不愧是被央视点了名的 这配方绝了

in #cn10 months ago



Hey, foodies! Craving authentic Chinese street food? Come along on this delicious culinary adventure with me! We’ve got a delectable array of snacks waiting for you, including Sauce Flavored Cake, Sour Soup Dumplings, Seafood Wontons, Fried Skewers, Cold Mixed Vegetables, Hot Dry Noodles, Spicy Mix, and Sour and Spicy Noodles. Every bite is a flavor explosion!

  1. 酱香饼:这可不是普通的饼哦!酱香饼有着浓郁的酱香味道,每一口都让人回味无穷,仿佛在嘴里开了一场酱香盛宴,让你欲罢不能!

Sauce Flavored Cake: Not your average cake! This gem is bursting with a rich, savory sauce flavor that will have you coming back for more, like a symphony of sauce in your mouth that you just can’t resist!

  1. 酸汤水饺:酸汤水饺是酸辣可口的代表,汤汁鲜美,饺子皮薄馅儿大,每一口都是酸辣与鲜美的完美结合,让你的味蕾瞬间绽放!

Sour Soup Dumplings: These tangy, spicy dumplings are the epitome of mouthwatering. With a juicy filling and a thin, delicate skin, each bite is a perfect blend of sour, spicy, and deliciousness that will make your taste buds bloom!

  1. 海鲜馄炖:海鲜馄炖是一种美味的小吃,馄炖皮薄馅儿多,内馅有鲜美的海鲜,汤汁清澈鲜美,每一口都能让你感受到海洋的味道!

Seafood Wontons: Delight in these scrumptious wontons with a thin wrapper and a generous filling of fresh seafood. The clear, savory broth will transport you to the taste of the ocean with every spoonful!

  1. 炸串:炸串是一种将各种食材串在竹签上,放入热油中炸至金黄酥脆的小吃。每一串都是外酥里嫩,香气扑鼻,让你吃了一串还想再来一串!

Fried Skewers: These golden-brown skewers are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, emitting an irresistible aroma. Once you try one, you’ll be reaching for another and another!

  1. 凉拌菜:凉拌菜是一种以新鲜的蔬菜为主料,加入各种调味料拌制而成的小吃。口感清爽,色彩缤纷,每一口都是满满的维生素和纤维,让你吃得健康又美味!

Cold Mixed Vegetables: This refreshing dish is a medley of fresh veggies tossed with a variety of savory seasonings. It’s a colorful, healthy choice that’s packed with vitamins and fiber, making it as tasty as it is good for you!

  1. 热干面:热干面是一种有着浓郁酱香的面食小吃,面条劲道有嚼劲,搭配上特制的酱料,每一口都让人陶醉不已,仿佛在嘴里展开了一场酱香的热舞!

Hot Dry Noodles: These noodles are a symphony of rich sauce flavors, with a firm texture that’s perfect for chewing. Topped with a special sauce, each bite is a mouthwatering dance of flavors that will leave you captivated!

  1. 麻辣拌:麻辣拌是一种将各种食材混合在一起,加入特制的麻辣酱料拌制而成的小吃。每一口都是麻辣鲜香,辣得你心跳加速,却又不舍放下筷子!

Spicy Mix: This mouth-numbing mix combines a variety of ingredients tossed with a spicy sauce that will make your heart race, but you won’t want to put your chopsticks down!

  1. 酸辣粉:酸辣粉是一种以红薯粉为主料,搭配上特制的酸辣汤料而成的小吃。口感滑嫩,酸辣可口,每一口都能让你感受到酸辣的美妙滋味,让你欲罢不能!

Sour and Spicy Noodles: Made with sweet potato noodles and a special sour and spicy broth, these noodles are smooth and tangy, with a delicious kick that will keep you coming back for more!












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