7 Reasons Posting Less Frequently can Increase Your Post Popularity 7个原因发布较少频繁可以增加您的博客的人气

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

At present, I have released what makes the release of more upvote. However, the problem with the method I see is that they do not solve the most fundamental problem: how good is the content?


Whether a blog has started, has been around for a while, or has a long history behind - there is one thing that is clear that its success depends on the quality of each article. People do not line up to subscribe to the blog because it spits out three posts a day.

一个博客是否开始,已经有一段时间了,或者有很长的历史背后 - 有一件事是明确的,它的成功取决于每篇文章的质量。人们不排队订阅博客,因为它每天吐出三个帖子。

** 1. More posts mean less views **

** 1。更多的帖子意味着更少的审查**

Your idea is limited. By releasing fewer times, you can choose the best ideas and sprout the missing ideas or be disposed of. Having your insured quota may lead to mediocre content.


2. Posts improve over time

** 2。随着时间的推移**

When you can continue to write a post after one day, it will always get better. When you first thought you were finished, you would see something you could not see. You can also find additional ideas to add to make your material more engaging.


** 3. Followers read a lot of blogs **

Most of the people who read the blog are the number of followers, and if you release the frequency too high, they may miss some posts. Give the reader a chance to consume all your writing.

** 3。追随者读了很多博客**


** 4. Your blog is judged by front page **

The most influential aspect of your blog is the front page. Some people look through the file, many people will not. By spending more time on writing, you can ensure that the content on the cover is the biggest incentive for new visitors.

** 4。您的博客由首页**判断


** 5. Generate more comments with fewer frequencies **

If a post stays on your home page for more than 24 hours, you are in a better position to accumulate your comments. Comments are valuable because they make your blog look active and create additional reasons for newcomers.

** 5。以较少的频率生成更多的评论**


** 6. More time to add post **

The first way to grow your blog is to start another popular post. If you have a strict prolific schedule, it would be harder to find time to rest.

** 6。更多时间来补充帖子**


** 7. Readers do not lift attention from too few posts **

The number of posts you post should be less than what you need to worry about, especially if you get a fixed post within a week. However, it should be very high, do not write unpredictable materials. This is the real reason why people cancel their subscriptions.

You want people to really look forward to your next post, which is the culvert of any successful blog. This happens only if each post motivates your reader to stand what happens next.

The biggest challenge for blogs is to achieve the reputation of their efforts to build. With less publishing and prudent writing - you will position yourself so that your blog is too important to subscribe.

** 7。读者不要从太少的帖子中取消关注**



博客所面临的最大挑战是达到他们努力建设的声誉。通过更少的发布和谨慎的写作 - 您将自己定位,使您的博客太重要,不要订阅。


My friend, when you use translator to translate your content, please make sure it is fluent and professional.
If it is not fluent ,it will be considered as spam.
Thank you for your understanding.

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