武术中国和武术亚洲军事 Martial arts china and martial arts martial AcehsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

下午好友朋友们享受这个假期今天下午我想分享一下武术中国和武术也pench silat亚齐我看到几乎有武术中国和亚齐之间的相似之处

good afternoon steemit friends enjoy the holiday this afternoon I want to share about martial arts china and martial arts also pencat silat Aceh I see almost there are similarities between martial arts china and also Aceh
hopefully in this writing got a good response from my friends all follow and upvote yes I am also happy if you want to comment


有一天,他看到一条蛇和一只鹤的斗争,吴梅从观察这两只动物之间的斗争中吸取了教训,并将它与少林功夫结合起来,然后创造出一种新的功夫风格。吴梅常常从一位叫Yim Yee的认知者那里买(严二)。 Yim Yee有一个名叫严咏春的女儿,后者被迫与一位名叫黄将军的当地军事将领结婚。吴梅教授严永春他的新功夫科学,永远消灭黄将军,并最终成功。严永春终于嫁给了他的未婚夫梁福洲。他设法将他从吴梅学到的技术降到丈夫身上。梁福超自己曾学习过武术,并在业余时间勤于练习。结婚后,叶永春经常与他讨论战斗技巧。考虑到严永春是一位普通而软弱的女人,最初他低估了阎永春。但是Yim Wing Chun设法得到了和丈夫一起练习的机会,并且每次练习都设法击败他。梁福超终于意识到,咏春不是一个软弱的女人,而是一位武术专家。从此他羡慕他妻子的技巧,并经常一起练习。为了纪念他的妻子,他称这种技术为“永春权”。那么这个名字就叫咏春功夫了。

Wing Chun's history is mostly passed down from generation to teacher, no official record of who and when was created. According to the version of Ip Man, Wing Chun was created by the Rev. Ng Mui pastor during the reign of Emperor Yung Cheng I in power (1723-1736), Qing Dynasty. After the event of burning and destruction of Shaolin Temple in Fujian by Qing army, many residents of Shao Lin are burned to death. But not all of them died, some managed to escape this event, among them Reverend Ng Mui and also some of the most famous disciples such as Hung Hay Kwun (Hung Si Kuan), Fong Sai Yuk (Fang Se Yu), Luk Ah Choy, and one other. The five priests / masters are the five teachers representing the five kung fu styles of Shao Lin, escaping and among them Ng Mui fleeing to Mount Daliang (大 涼山) on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan.

One day, he sees a fight between a snake and a crane, and Ng Mui takes a lesson from observing the fight between the two animals and combining it with Shaolin kungfu and then creating a new style of kung fu. Ng Mui often buy from a knower named Yim Yee (嚴 二). Yim Yee had a daughter named Yim Wingchun (嚴詠春) who was forced to marry a local military general named General Wong. Ng Mui taught Yim Wingchun his new kung fu science to get rid of General Wong forever and finally succeeded. Yim Wing Chun finally married his fiancé Leung Bok Chau. He managed to bring down the technique he learned from Ng Mui to her husband. Leung Bok Chao himself once studied martial arts, and diligently practiced in his spare time. After their marriage, Yim Wing Chun often discussed with him about combat techniques. Initially he underestimated Yim Wing Chun, considering that Yim Wing Chun was a common and weak woman. but Yim Wing Chun managed to get a chance to practice with her husband and managed to defeat him every time they practiced. Leung Bok Chao was finally aware that Wing Chun is not a weak woman, but a martial arts expert. From then on he admired his wife's techniques and often practiced together. He calls this technique the name "Wing Chun Kuen" in honor of his wife. from this name is then known the name Wing Chun Kung Fu.

咏春拳是一种非常独特的武术形式,擅长近距离战斗,使用快速的拳击和踢球以及防守和敏捷的前锋。 通过协同同步攻击和防御与反击,可以实现有效的咏春拳。

咏春拳学员必须学会放松适量的精力。 一位优秀的咏春老师会教他的学生应付定位和身体结构而不是面对面的攻击。 咏春风格包括踢,招架,连续攻击,拳击,诱捕和控制技术作为战斗的一部分。

Wing Chun is a very unique form of martial arts, specializing in close-range combat, using fast punches and kicks with tight defense and agility to move forward. An effective Wing Chun can be achieved by coordination between simultaneous attack and defense and counterattack.

Wing Chun practitioners must learn to throw the right amount of energy in a relaxed state. A good Wing Chun teacher will teach his students to cope with attacks by positioning and body structure rather than face-to-face. Wing Chun style includes kicks, parry, successive attacks, boxing, trapping and controlling techniques as part of the fight.



第一次训练是固定马或中立姿态(中立姿态)的训练。在这项技术中,力量训练的脚趾,手掌足刀,侧腿,大腿,脊柱,尾骨,可汗粉和肌肉协调。这些马在不断训练时会改善柔韧性步技术,因此身体变得更轻。前排马的形状(前立场)靠在后腿上,形状类似于三战/山姆的马,也被称为马或猫马(日语叫做Neko Ashi Dachi)。

Basic Exercise
The horses are considered mostly modern martial artists as ancient and less useful, but in fact many aspects are contained in the practice of the horses. The horses in internal martial art are the aspects of Di (Earth), in power engineering in horses are indispensable in the aspect of Earth Power. Exercise The horses have many functions, as long as we know clearly how we are doing while riding.

The horses carried out which many modern practitioners oppose are their effectiveness in the fight. Both battle and martial arts undergo many changes and transformations and evolutions. Where the battle used to wear power, now more to the technique. Many conservative martial artists always maintain the shape of the horses when they are Fighting. this affects the effectiveness and efficiency of their own movements. Where now the standing style of most martial arts is more flexible than the use of horses.

The first training is the training of fixed horses or neutral stances (neutral stance). In this technique, strength training toes, palms Foot knives, side legs, thighs, spine, tail bone, kestablian, and muscle coordination. These horses when continuously trained will improve the technique of flexibility step technique, so the body gets lighter. The shape of the front horses (front stance) rests on the hind legs, similar in shape to the horses of San Zhan / Sam Chien, also called horses or cat horses (in Japanese called Neko Ashi Dachi).







  1. Hang Ma on the spot (One Spot Body Movement Step)

In this style, Hang Ma focuses on one point on one of the legs. where the largest shift is at the waist. in this Hang Ma, is strongly emphasized on the rotation at the waist. Hang Ma is very useful in the fight, where we can immediately turn the body in the other direction without swapping places. For example, when we are facing an opponent on the left, then if there is an attacker from the right, we immediately move to the right, as well as the front and back positions.

  1. Hang Ma back and forth one leg (Same Leg Body Movement Step)

In this style, we can move in attacking conditions, where like styles on some martial arts, the time we go forward, the front foot forward first, time backwards, back foot back first, time left, left foot first, and time to the right, right foot first.

  1. Hang Ma Change Fe (Change Leg Body Movement Step) or Biu Ma (thursting step)

In this style we can move attack, defend or do attacks while defending. Actually there is one more foot position, which is standing one foot, but most of these positions are only for training or in certain positions. This positioning exercise is very useful when fighting in uneven places. Application of this exercise will be useful when we train the second technique that is Chum Kiu and Biu Ji energy drills.

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经过多年学习武术,国王终于回到了宫殿。所以发展了Silat Kegayungan的艺术(A)Helang Putih,并成为当时着名的武术。

一席拉门派后代的流动正在cucunda王树桩英雄即阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹·本·穆罕默德·阿里谁拥有Hojak andak上将拉贾·阿齐兹广泛发展。

他一直积极与文化,吉隆坡部这是由乌萨马Sumanti Allahyarham先生提出这个曾经公认的古代舞蹈教师和教师拳击(席拉Pulut)。



莫哈末阿里正在寻找被认为能够教他的老师。席拉谢赫·萨·阿里,内蒙古虎侏儒,谢赫乌鸦Rimba,Perilmuan Changkat和其他人又是流曾经的教训。



The art of silat kemayungan (A) the white hawk comes from Acheh. Historically, a king's son who had the title of the first-born king of a hero from the land of Mountain Fence went hunting alongside his retinue into a thick forest several miles away from the palace.

While engrossed in hunting, the king had met a very beautiful white bird. The stranger had attracted him. In the heart of the king, how lucky if the bird can be caught and made his pet bird.

Your Majesty is so captivated by the bird that he has not taken the bird deep into the jungle.

Regardless of his companion, the king had reached into a cave located in the middle of a hilltop. It was very quiet but like someone pressing his heart and moving his legs toward a big, simple cave.

The white straw continued to enter the stone cave and the king continued to follow him from behind. As good as entering the cave, the king was struck by a human institution that sat rigidly on a boulder. The institution he saw was a hermitage that had been living there for years. Oddly enough the fear of the heart did not rise. In fact the king was engrossed with what was in the cave.

Ratu Agung Raden Dindiar, who originated from the Javanese-ruled Acheh, loves the white pheasant as he loves himself. From the movement of a helang, Queen Agung Raden Dindiar can explore martial arts with sufficient.

As the king's son awoke from his sleep, the king saw the white pheasant still in the cave. Starting from that incident, the king did not return to the palace so that he finished his college with Queen Agung Raden Dindiar.

After years of studying martial arts, the king finally returned to the palace. So developed the Art of Silat Kegayungan (A) Helang Putih and became a famous martial art at that time.

This martial arts is a silat descendant which is now developed extensively by cucunda Raja Tunggak Hero ie Abdul Aziz bin Mohd Ali who holds King Aziz Admiral Hojak Andak.

He was active with the Ministry of Culture of Kuala Lumpur who was raised by Allahyarham Mr. Osama Sumanti who was formerly known as Ancient Dance Guru and Guru Persilatan (Silat Pulut).

In addition to the science of martial and kebatinan, Abdul Aziz bin Mohd Ali also opened his eyes to see the flow of others. Therefore, he has studied Judo art and Ninja individual Kudokan movement with Master Herakawa for 4 years.

After that, he deepened the knowledge of Taichi with Master Lee and continue the art of self-defense (silat) as much as 7 types. Ability shown, Abdul Aziz bin Mohd Ali has held a position as a teacher in a young age.

Dissatisfaction with his own skill led to Abdul Aziz bin
Mohd Ali is looking for teachers who are thought to be able to teach him. Silat Sheikh Baginda Ali, Inner Tiger Puaka, Sheik Crow in the Jungle, Changkat Scientific and others is a stream he once learned.

After his adoptive father died, at the age of 120 years, he was entrusted to develop the silk of Acheh Helang Putih as a substitute for the spirit of his teacher. After that Abdul Aziz bin Mohd Ali added the words of Acheh Helang Putih to Kewayungan Acheh The white-haired helang is full of kebatinan (kebatinan intent here is guarding the physical and mental aspects of using all the senses of body body such as eyes, ears, taste and breathing instead of use the help of spirits).
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@mulyadedi, 来来,老司机教你怎么成为cn-reader区的牛人:把 @rivalhw 的帖子全部读一篇,就算入门了...



I already taq please vote me yes @kyunga

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