海螺新韵奖 Halo Songwriting Competition (With audio track)

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

Taken by my friend's phone.

Hey Steemit, Its been a while since my last post! One of the reason is because I've been busy band practicing with a group of friends for a competition.

哈啰 Steemit 的朋友们, 距离上一篇博客文章已经有一段时间了!其中一个原因是因为我一直忙于和一群朋友一起练习比赛。

So my songwriter friend have recently joined this songwriting competition
organized by a local music label, Halo Music. They produced many amazing Chinese artists in the past, one of them will be JJ Lin 林俊杰.

最近, 我的朋友参加了一项由马来西亚本地音乐唱片公司,Halo Music 所举办的歌曲创作比赛 海螺新韵奖。过去,他们造就了许多令人惊叹的艺人,其中一位就是林俊杰

Taken by my friend's phone.

This is us during the interview session. My songwriter friend's song manage to got into the semi finals! Hence, here we are at Jaya One yesterday, competing with other 30 originals to get into Top 10.

以上照片是我与我的乐手们在Jaya One采访的过程。由于我的朋友所创作的歌成功晋级半决赛,因此昨天我们与其他30首原创曲竞争决赛前十名的名额。

It was a closed audition and there are 3 judges sitting in front of us (and also with the cameraman and staffs around). It was still nerve-wrecking for me, even though I have sang and performed quite a number of times in the past. The waiting time before the audition is really torturing. My heart beats so hard that I couldn't breathe properly. Lol.

由于这是一个封闭式的试镜,所以没有其他观众, 只有三名裁判坐在我们面前(包括摄影师和工作人员在内)。试镜之前的等待时间确实很折磨。即使不是第一次表演,但还是会紧张到不行,心脏跳得好用力,根本无法正常呼吸!
So this is the stage we performed at yesterday. Sadly I can't share any video footage as we are not allowed to take video in the audition room, but we managed to record the audio track during the live audition.


This is a song about our loved ones, how they have helped us through dark moments. In particular, the songwriter and me are both Christian, hence she wrote this not only to her family & friends, but also to God. I'm very grateful that she invited me to participate in this as my heart is content when I sang this song. This is a worship song I dedicate to Him. :)

这是一首关于亲情,友情与爱情的歌曲。词义是描述我们所爱的人如何帮助我们渡过黑暗时期, 是一首非常有意义的歌。由于创作人和我都是基督徒,所以她不仅写给她的家人朋友,也同时写给上帝。我非常感谢她邀请我参加这个表演,因为当我唱这首歌曲的时候,我的心是满足的。这是我奉献给上帝的崇拜歌曲。 :)


Composer/Lyricist: Sharon Chong

Verse 1:

小时候曾听说 ,关于巨人的传说,

Chorus 1:
带给我一线希望,忘掉所有的伤 ;

Verse 2:

Chorus 2:

无限的爱 ,因为你而存在。

Sadly, this song did not make it to Top 10.

But we did the best that we know of and we have no regrets. I personally enjoyed singing this song a lot. I told my songwriter friend to not give up and keep composing. She will one day find a stage that's belong to her. :)

虽然我们对比赛结果有点小沮丧,但是我们对我们的作品感到满意,大家都很享受表演的过程。我们把我们最好的都呈现出来了,所以我们没有遗憾。我告诉我的创作朋友,不要放弃,继续创作!总有一天会找到一个属于你的舞台。 :)

Colossians 3:23-24
23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

歌罗西书 3:23-24
23 你们无论做什么,都要从心里去做,像是为主做的,不是为人做的; 24 因为你们知道,你们将要从主那里得到继业为报偿;你们当服事主基督。

Let us continue to do everything wholeheartedly as unto the Lord, even writing Steemit post! Haha. Each and every word I wrote are my genuine expressions & experiences in life. Although I've never really blog before (cause churning my thoughts/feelings into verbal words can take a loooong time), but I feel writing blogs in a genuine way, will make this blogging journey more enjoyable and it will also sustain longer.

让我们继续在日常生活的每一件事,全新全力地为基督服事吧。甚至写Steemit 帖子也一样! 过去我所写的每一个字都是我在生活中真诚的表达与体验。虽然没有真正当过博客的经验(因为语言表达能力较差),但我觉得用真实的方式写文章, 会使写作过程变得更愉快, 更长久。

Hope you enjoyed reading & listening! :)



Yayyy! Finally another update from our amazing talent here :) We all need stepping stones like these in our life pursuit, especially in something that we are very passionate about. Don't give up, @michelleloh168! Cheering you on...! Anyway, can we like request for cover songs? WEEEHEEEEEE

Heheh thanks for your continuous support @heartscally! You too dont give up during hard times, keep being awesome and impacting your student's life like never before . Hahaha hmm.. you can drop your request here, i'll tryyyyy 😄

I also want to request :p

You and your friends can compose songs so well. I admire that. 😍 Glad you enjoyed every process although it didn't make it to top 10. But experience has surely allowed you all to yet again being upgraded to another level, whether you know or do not know. 加油!

This song is composed by my friend actually, not by me oh. Haha i helped to sing only hehe. Yes yes, we will always upgraded to next level no matter we win or lose. You too jia you mummy @iamjadeline! ❤

wah! @michelleloh168 awesome as always! keep it up yo! you've got my support all the way.... though I don't understand the lyrics - case of being a banana

Heyyyyy @josephinenpy! Welcome back to steemit! Hahahaha its ok, Mr. @patrickleekahooi can translate for you. Thanks for ur support & encouragement as always! 😄


谢谢你呀@tvb! 希望这首歌会带给你正能量。❤

Sounds very nice! Keep it up and good to see you enjoying yourself :) Must have been really busy time for u @michelleloh168

Thanks @happycrazycon! Haha yes busy yet enjoying myself at the same time too :)

im blown away.

great job my fellow steemitblogger ;)

these lyrics hit my soul.

Oh thanks @boycharlieplays! Hope this song blesses you as much as to me. Appreciate your upvote & resteem 😊

Keep it going michelle..jia you

Thanks for ur encouragement @perennial :)

Definitely michelle...#steem-music ya.

@perennial Yup yup, just saw it yesterday after my post. Will do for the next one yah! Joining a contest now so have limited tags. 😅 #5tagsnotenoughla

Oh i forgot we can change the tags behind! #newbieprob haha ok tags changed! 😄

Welcome back on steemit!

Thanks @nicuzaharie :) Headed over your profile and love your tagline - "You are precious and i want to encourage you." Indeed all of us are His beloved and we are very much loved! I like to read your posts. Keep posting edifying content and impact the readers! Followed you :)

ahh. no wonder so long never see your post leh. so sorry you guys didn't make it further but great to see that it was still a wonderful experience for you all :)

Let us continue to do everything wholeheartedly as unto the Lord, even writing Steemit post! Haha.

this is a very good reminder. God should be the center of it all :)

Yeah it will be a great experience despite the winning/losing. Thanks for dropping by! God bless you @calebleejl! :)

Inspiring post @michelleloh168! I really hope to see you perform live one day! Keep it up :)

Let's hope so too. Thanks for your encouragement @msmichellekok! :)

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