Where to see Koalas for free in Australia 澳洲哪裡免費看無尾熊 樹袋熊 树熊 考拉

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

The Daisy Hill Koala Centre is located only 25 minutes drive south of Brisbane CBD, in Queensland, Australia. It is part of the Daisy Hill Regional Park, which is made up of 571 hectares (5,710,000 square metres) of open Eucalypt forest. Eucalypt leaves are consumed by koalas, so it makes sense that you may spot a koala in the Regional Park. If not, there are three koalas that you can see in the Koala Centre, they are called Pound, Kyra and Jannico. I have attached pictures below.

Koalas seem to be inactive most of the time. But when they do stuff, they are super cute. I managed to capture a few videos of these koalas shaking their ears and scratching themselves.

Once you're done seeing the koalas in the Koala Centre, you can go out to explore the surroundings at the regional park and see if you can sight any wild koalas. Here is a picture of what the scenery is like at the regional park.

Hope this information helps you in your travels!

从中国来澳洲玩的朋友们,可能会以为所有的景区都要收门票。其实免费的观光区也有的。如果要免费看澳洲的考拉,可以来到Daisy Hill考拉中心看,有三只很可爱的考拉,看完後还可以到考拉中心周圍的571 公顷大的由加利树公园走走,呼吸新鲜空气,找野生的考拉。考拉是吃由加利树叶的,所以在這公園有可能找到野生的考拉喔! 以上放了些考拉的照片跟影片供大家观赏。

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