新人职场【工匠精神】也是你所认同的吗?New workplace [artisan spirit] is what you agree with?

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


Hi 大家好! 职场对于即将毕业或者已经毕业几个月的大学生来说,都是充满新鲜与好奇的。最近一位朋友在职场体验几个月后,发来一段长篇大论,我建议他能写成一篇文章,我好分享更多人的参与话题。以下便是他整理过后的:










Artisan spirit

Refers to the artisans to the ultimate attitude of their products uncompromising attention to the pursuit of a more perfect spirit of the idea. Craftsmen like to constantly carve their own products continue to improve their own technology, enjoy the product in the hands of the process of sublimation. Artisan spirit of the goal is to create the industry's highest quality products, other peers can not match the outstanding products, summed up, the spirit of craftsmen is the pursuit of excellence in the spirit of excellence, the spirit of excellence in the spirit of the supremacy of the spirit of service. I would like any industry will have a craftsman, it will certainly have the spirit of the craftsmen of the flash, like when I work in Volvo, on the card when the soldiers took me on the card when we squatting on the road smoking, he told me that A person on the card he is also a professional conduct, first of all customers do not smoke in the car, because it is someone else's car, you do not know the customer does not smoke, will not be sensitive to smoke. Second, we can not because of their own sloppy and waste of customer time, on the card information that those in advance to check whether the complete. Although it is an inadvertently exchange, but I see his spirit of the craftsmen of the flash point, after all, some people will seek temporary convenience will choose to smoke in the car, in fact, there is no lack of the spirit of the existence of craftsmen, today we use car sales Line work as an example, deduce the work of the spirit of the craftsmen should be how to reflect.

1. To become a craftsman, first for the staff

Car sales staff to become a craftsman before becoming a professional person, what is the staff? Is the development of professionalism, the promotion of professionalism, the performance of the instrument in the instrument, rituals two aspects, the instrument in this regard do not have to say that friends, each company each brand on their own terminal sales staff have the image Of the request, as long as the implementation of attention in accordance with the requirements of attention to the details can be, but in the etiquette instrument is not easy to elaborate, because there is no clear refinement of the standard, a move a static, a word, smiles, always show a People's attitude and quality, which requires professional training and long-term grinding, which is reflected in the quality of sales staff and the most obvious place for the staff or not. For example, some people, although the suit every day, but looks very sly cunning, people always beware of the feeling, but some people look very comfortable, gentle and refined.

2. Become a craftsman's skill - professional ability

As a sales industry, car sales are relatively complex and more difficult type, because the knowledge involved is very wide, including automotive expertise, knowledge of this product, knowledge of goods, second-hand car knowledge, on the card tax knowledge and many more. In addition to communication with customers also related to the topic of knowledge, such as tourism, photography, luxury goods, watches, golf, etc., after all, BMW is a high-end brand, for the community's vast elite, and Volvo's The difference is that BMW's consumer groups are diversified, Volvo's customers are relatively older age, like chatting with you, health and the like, because their lives are more biased towards retirement , While the BMW has a variety of age stages, tend to younger, and young people are more hobbies, involving more knowledge will be, so the professional ability of this road, no end, and only continue to enrich and improve their own , Is the so-called live to learn the old, it can be said that the professional ability of the car sales staff of the professionalization of an important label, but also become a prerequisite for craftsmen, in order to integrate into the customer's circle only their own knowledge and customers Level even higher customers can accept your integration.

3. Become a craftsman's ingenuity - wholeheartedly for customer service

No ingenuity, ability and then can only do a one-time customers. Sales consultants and customers are directly related to the relationship between the relationship, we all know very well. But let the customer feel like a sales consultant like a friend to treat them, rather than blindly the surface to please, is a kind of emotional exchanges and interaction, no contrived, blunt, cold feeling, tell the truth, spend the price of luxury cars Choose a lot, in addition to the customer has a unique love of the brand can only touch the consumer impulse consumption is the sales consultant's appeal, so that customers are impressed by the contrast compared with the peer in sharp contrast to our services only More refined than your peers. Combined with their own work I think in the future reception of the work we communicate with customers, sales consultants should be the same chat as friends, take the initiative to understand the customer's habits, hobbies, and into the customer's circle, the development of funding 3, so that customers There is a feeling of home away from home after the car is always caring, concerned about the customer's car and the car outside the demand, do their best to help customers solve the practical problems in life.

Difficulty is indeed great, but it is because it was the spirit of the craftsmen of the rare and valuable. Cabinet industry Ou sent to have a home to Europe, our automotive industry is not supposed to be done with a BMW it?

♥Thank you for taking the time to read this article, if you have any suggestions to us these new workplace, very welcome to mention!





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