🎼🎶🇹🇼 台中爵士音樂節 Taichung Jazz Festival 🎼🎷🇹🇼

in #cn7 years ago

The Taichung Jazz Festival is one of the major festivals in Taichung each year, and is a must go for many locals, especially the expat community living here. This year it started last Saturday and will continue for 9 days till next Sunday.


I went with my friends to the opening concert on Saturday evening. One of my friend is a jazz lover and he went over to the venue early in the afternoon to lay his mat down in order to get a good location. Thanks to him we ended up pretty much in front of the stage. The atmosphere at the festival was really great, and a lot of people took a picnic along. My friends and I met up after dinner, so we just took some snacks and a bottle of wine along with us.


We saw two bands perform that evening. The first was Mission Formosa which consisted of members from Italy, plus a pianist, a saxophonist and a drummer all from Taiwan.

當晚我們欣賞了兩隊樂隊的演出。第一場是Mission Formosa ,是一隊意大利和台灣的樂隊,鼓手、鋼琴手及其中一位薩克管手是台灣籍的。

This is a clip from one of the tunes they played, does it sound familiar?


The mixed culture of the band members adds a Taiwanese jazz element into the international contemporary jazz scene making their performance quite unique. During their closing tune, they mixed the beginning and end with a famous classical Taiwanese song. I thought that was a very nice nod to the festival.


The last performance of the opening night was by a quartet which consisted of a well known drummer called Billy Drummond from the States, a guitarist from Hong Kong, a saxophonist from Japan and a Japanese double bassist from US. I don't normally listen to jazz, but according to the Modern Drummer magazine, Drummond is "one of the most crisp, popping and sensitive drummers around". I'm so pleased to have the opportunity to listen to such an excellent performer.

當晚開幕表演最後一隊是一個四重奏。鼓手是來自美國的Billy Drummond , 結他手來自香港,吹薩克管的來自日本,而低音大提琴手是一位來自美國的日本人。我對爵士音樂不熟,但原來 Billy Drummond 是一位國際著名爵士鼓手,他的表演風格被Modern Drummer雜誌形容為"俐落,驚喜,同時不失細膩"。真幸運能夠欣賞國際大師級的表演。



The festival finishes at 10pm each night as there are residential building around the venue. Although it was still around 28/29 degrees at that time, it was still quite nice, so my friends and I hanged around till 11pm, chatting and enjoying the summer evening breeze.



On Sunday evening I went again, this time with another group of friends (in fact another friend just invited me to go with her on Thursday, so I will be going for the third time). This time we were sitting quite far away from the stage, as we arrived a bit late.

星期日晚,我跟另外一班朋友又去參加爵士音樂節。(其實剛才又有另外一位朋友約我星期四一起去,所以我至少將會去三次!) 這次我們比較遲到達,所以坐的地點離開舞台較遠。


We bought a picnic with us this evening. I baked a kiwi sponge and my friends brought a pizza.



There was also fried chicken, and fruit and wine.

另外也有炸雞腿 噢!這是美腿不能吃呀!, 生果及紅酒。


The fried chicken is hidden in the bucket, and we've nearly finished the pizza.




When we were tucking into our food it suddenly it started to rain. We continued to sit in the rain for a few minutes hoping it was just be a drizzle passing by, but the raindrops started to get bigger. Eventually we had to pack all our stuff and retreat further away from the stage to wait underneath some trees. We ended up camping underneath the trees, but that was fine as it was quite spacious at the back.



I even had enough space to lie down and admire the not so clear sky whilst listening to the jazz.



As I mentioned the festival last for 9 days, and each evening there are two or three performances on the main stage. The bands hail from different countries around the world such as Netherlands, Italy, USA, Spain, Belgium, Israel, Finland, Japan, Lativia, Korea, Canada and of course Taiwan.



And the best thing about this ~ this is a free concert. If you can make it here this week (if you can get here quick enough) or next year, I guarantee you will have a great time in Taichung. Hope you see you here sometime.


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是啊! 生活機能非常好,比台北便宜

Congratulations it's beautiful @livinguktaiwan . Must feel great - that is a lot of work!



Your way of censoring faces is the best, haha. This looks like an amazing free concert, I haven't heard much international jazz (and I can't believe it's free!)

My friends aren't big fans of social media!
Next stop Asia? 😉

Oh, I'd love to see more of Asia! I used to spend a few weeks in Guangdong province China at a time for work, but haven't explored much outside that.

好棒的活動!!! 台北又是風大又是下雨的.... :(


到處都塞塞 :(

OOh fun! Very well documented! We have one here at the beach where I live. It is very popular, but lasts only for a weekend each year. We also have a blues festival that is popular. Our festivals are also free and so much fun to attend!

Florida seems like such a fun place, I've only been to Orlando a few times, haven't made it all the way down south yet, hopefully can go one day.

I'm in north-east Florida. We love it here.


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