耳聽英倫 Music in UK

in #cn7 years ago

夏季到英國旅行,並已去過所有遊客熱點,那還有甚麼可以做呢? 不如我給大家一些建議吧!
If you happen to be in UK in the summer, but have already visited all the popular sightseeing locations, what else can you do? Well, let me see if I can help you out.

These are all my personal recommendations of things to do in UK. Most of them are in London, except for the two of them, of which the final recommendation is my favourite. Today is Part 1, Music in UK. Part 2, Rambling in UK will follow.
1-1. 喜歡古典樂的朋友,到英國至少要去欣賞一場逍遙音樂會。逍遙音樂會每年在7月至9月份,在倫敦著名的皇家阿爾伯特音樂廳演出差不多一百場古典音樂會。我雖然對古典音樂一竅不通,但前幾年也跟朋友一起去感受這文化。儘管我不太懂得欣賞音樂,當晚我仍然覺得花£17買門票,的確過了一個非常愉快的晚上,非常值得。
For classical music lovers you must visit the Proms which is held each year between July to September in London's iconic Royal Albert Hall. I know nothing about classical music but as a Londoner, and a visitor to London, it'is one of the things you should experience at least once. A few years ago, I went with some friends. The novice in me did try very hard to appreciate the music but without much success. Overall I still consider it £17 well spent on a lovely evening in a iconic surrounding with a good group of friends.

1-2. 如果你喜歡較有動力的音樂,那8月底倫敦的Notting Hill Carnival就最適合不過。這嘉年華每年有近200萬人次到訪,是全世界第二大的嘉年華,規模僅次於著名的巴西里約熱內盧嘉年華。三天的Notting Hill嘉年華,最大型的遊行在最後一天。你當天一定要早點到場,才可以找到一個好位置,近距離欣賞那五光十色,金光閃亮的舞衣,舞蹈員跟你擦身而過時,真是能夠感染到他們那一股熱烈澎湃的舞姿。你看,我拍的照片多熱鬧!
Those who enjoy more energetic music can visit the Notting Hill Carnival Festival if you happen to be in London on the last weekend of August. It attracts nearly 2 million visitors each year, is the second largest carnival in the world after Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. If you get there early enough, you can get a fantastic close up view of the parade and all the beautiful hand made costumes. When the dancers pass by, you can actually feel the vibrant and energy seeping into you. Can you feel it from my photos?

1-3. 要過一個傳統的英式悠閒郊遊日,最好就是去野餐。英國超市在夏天都會供應各類型適合野餐的食物,在公園草地上隨便找一個位置悠閒地野餐,也可以很開心。若想嚐試傳統的野餐,我會推薦你去Battle Proms 露天野餐古典音樂會。它以戰爭為主題,有煙火及200多台複製拿破崙時代的實彈大砲伴奏。最吸引人之處就是表演是在晚間舉行,而且地點都是英國一些宏偉的古堡大宅的園地。例如英國著名手首相邱吉爾出生的布萊尼姆宮,及唐頓山莊粉絲一定不會陌生的Highclere Castle。
To enjoy a true English experience you have to go on a picnic. In summer, you can pick up ready made picnic food and drinks from many shops, and find a nice spot in a park on a sunny day. But to do it with class and style, I recommend going to the Battle Proms Picnic Concert. These Proms are classical music performed with a Battle theme, complete with fireworks and live canons. The best part is that they are held on the grounds of grand British homes such as Blenheim Palace (birthplace of Churchill) and Highclere Castle (Downtown Abbey fans note!).

入場費並不包括參觀古堡大宅,是要另外購門票。若果你去參加Battle Proms,我會建議在白天先去參觀這些宏偉華麗、歷史悠久的英國傳統貴族老宅,然後晚上一邊享受野餐一邊欣賞古典音樂會。
Access to the homes are not included in the Proms price, but whilst you are there for the Proms make sure you visit the house during the day to admire the grandeur and history of English aristocracy before settling down for the Proms in the evening.

I hope you're liking the sound of all my recommendations so far. Next time I'm going to talk about cycling and architecture in London, and the best of my best, the Red Arrows.


thank you for the recommendation. I went to london once but did not have chance to go where the local will go :( pity.

Always next time😀

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