百年的动物园——大阪市天王寺动物园 / Over Hundred year —— Tennoji Zoo in Japan Osaka
I have not write about traveling for a long time. I had introduced to you all about Tennoji Zoo in Japan Osaka in last month. At that time, I have posted a lot of joyful photos. Yet, today I am going to told you about some sad things behind this trip. I will share to you all the story about the jailed animals.
Unlike the zoo in Australia, the zoo in Japan is small and located in the city. It is not a good place for animal. In order to attract a lot of tourists, they put a lot of animals in to a very small place. Some animal are jailed in a very small cage and they lost their freedom forever.
This time, we will see the photos of these sad animal with sad facial expression. It makes me feel very bad about the zoo. Behind the joyful park over Hundred year, there is a very sad story. Sacrificed freedom and there natural to exchange for the income of the zoo. It is right and correct? I do not know.
一进园区,是一种开心快乐的气氛。A joyful atmosphere when you enter the zoo.
很热闹,人们也很兴奋。Many people with happy face.
可爱的小企鹅被囚禁在这小型的玻璃房之中,就如被隔离精神病人一样。The little penguin is jailed in this little glass room, just like psychiatric patient.
表情像是有点悲伤的企鹅。Thy look very sad.
走不出栏栅的动物只能在角度徘徊。All the animals are locked, they cannot run away.
只能在笼子渡过一生的小白兔。These rabbits will be living in a cage forever
失去了自由的笼中鸟,能感受到它们的悲伤吗? The bird in a cage, what can you feel?
再也不能奔跑的狼。A wolf that cannot run freely forever.
漠然哀伤。Can you feel the upset of them?
永远出不出小玻璃箱。Little glass jail forever.
永远永远。 Forever and forever.
看到这悲伤的表情,真的令人很心痛。I feel sad when looking at them.
有些动物会比较幸运,能很到更大的地方,只因它们受欢迎。 Some are lucky with a bigger living place. Just because they are popular in human society.
其他动物就没有这样好运了。But the other animals is not lucky as them.
其实…这也真的有点不人道和过份吧,地方也太小,转过身也不行。A Very small cage, which the animal even cannot turn around.
Zoo, is it really a good place for family gather? In my point of view, I can just see the sadness of the animal. I am not a vegetarian or people who are passion in fighting animal right. Yet, I still feel sad about them.
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同样的情景不同的心情,一切安好!我偶尔也会同景却伤感 🌷
so cool,,
Not cool
Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :)
great post buddy,, so look coll in there
keep it @linuslee0216
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Not cool or coll I think
Follow me and upvote my post , why ? because i'll do the same
之前在清迈动物园看到一只熊一直在一条单直线上来回走 像不知疲倦似的 觉得它是被憋出来病来了 当时真的特别心酸 希望以后野生动物园能彻底取决养殖动物园吧