
in #cn9 months ago






"Spirit liquor, known as 'baijiu' in China, is an immensely popular alcoholic beverage, especially prevalent in the vast northern regions. Baijiu, particularly favored during the cold winters, offers a heavenly delight when consumed, imbuing individuals with an instant surge of 'primordial strength.'

Russians deeply understand this, given their own excessively cold climate, leading them to craft their national drink, 'vodka.' They say a Russian who's had vodka can wrestle a bear!

Chinese baijiu and Russian vodka both fall into the category of highly distilled liquors, commonly referred to as strong spirits. Consuming either in excess easily leads to intoxication, creating a sensation of ethereal bliss.

However, while Russian vodka enjoys global popularity, Chinese baijiu often receives unfavorable judgments from Westerners, questioning whether the baijiu is truly inferior or if it's simply a matter of Western palates being unaccustomed to it!

Despite the complexity of alcoholic beverages worldwide, they fundamentally remain mixtures of alcohol and other substances, delivering various flavors and giving rise to diverse drinking cultures.

Alcohol wasn't an intentional human invention but rather stumbled upon in grains and fruits accidentally. It's highly likely that our ancestors got intoxicated by consuming fermented fruits, leading to the discovery of this miraculous substance.

Thus, ancient humans became captivated by this sensation, desiring to experience this 'high' regularly. This marked the inception of humanity's journey into brewing, where decaying fruits and grains were intentionally combined to create alcoholic beverages."
The success of these primitive brewing methods relied entirely on nature. Well-sealed containers might yield drinkable alcohol, while poorly sealed ones might result in vinegar at best, or worse, the production of toxic substances.
The earliest alcoholic beverages crafted from fruits and grains using rudimentary methods marked humanity's first foray into brewing. As fermentation techniques advanced, allowing precise control over the process, a multitude of alcoholic drinks emerged. These directly fermented beverages from fruits or grains fall under the category of brewed liquor, generally possessing lower alcohol content. It's akin to what Wu Song drank when he slew the tiger.

Classic examples of brewed liquor include "rice wine," "yellow wine," and "red wine." These traditional drinks, widely embraced by the Han Chinese, represent some of the finest alcoholic beverages in our heritage.

The tradition of consuming these brewed liquors persisted throughout our history, even in the case of red wine. In fact, grape wine was quite popular during the Tang Dynasty. Lines from Tang poems like "Grape wine in the moonlight cup, longing to drink with the pipa playing," reveal that red wine wasn't exclusively Western.

The custom of imbibing lower-alcohol brewed liquors continued until the late Ming Dynasty. It underwent a shift only after the Qing Dynasty's conquest, when nomadic tribes favored highly distilled spirits like baijiu.

The technique of distillation, refining alcohol purity, was invented as early as the Spring and Autumn Period. It involved boiling the original fermented brew and then purifying the alcohol through condensation. Leveraging the principle that alcohol is lighter than water, this process prioritized alcohol separation, resulting in the creation of baijiu's potent "head."

However, the ancient Chinese deemed this type of alcohol unpleasant—extremely spicy and highly intoxicating, potentially harmful. Consequently, distilled spirits did not gain popularity.

Contrarily, the nomadic tribes cared less about the "health benefits" associated with drinking. They consumed whatever provided stimulation and quick intoxication. Being accustomed to harsh, cold climates, the warmth offered by distilled spirits suited them perfectly.

The Manchu Qing rulers shared similarities with these nomadic tribes, developing a strong fondness for distilled spirits. The heady sensation it provided was irresistible to them.

Post the Qing Dynasty, distilled baijiu swiftly gained popularity across the land, becoming a staple on dining tables and eventually evolving into our national drink. Especially renowned is the sauce-flavored baijiu, with Maotai being a source of pride for many, enjoying widespread popularity across the nation.
In modern times, people seek excitement, and the milder, fermented wines fail to satisfy their cravings. Strong, intense white spirits appeal more to the masses, leading many to almost forget the fermented wines that have accompanied the Han Chinese for millennia.

White spirits have been wildly embraced, with many brands even regarded as collectibles. Prices have soared, giving rise to a distinct culture of speculation around these spirits. It seems we've deeply ingrained our love for white spirits.

Meanwhile, in distant Russia, vodka also enjoys fervent local acclaim. The fervor of the Russian people for vodka matches our own passion for white spirits. Yet, fundamental differences exist between white spirits and vodka.

While Westerners readily accept vodka, they scoff at our white spirits. Does the essence crafted through millennia of our brewing culture pale in comparison to the rough fermentation of vodka made from potatoes or sweet potatoes?
The main reason why Westerners struggle with Chinese white spirits is the taste. Western societies do have their own distilled liquors, like "whiskey," "brandy," "tequila," and others, but these typically hover around 30 degrees of alcohol content. The highest proof they often have is Eastern European vodka, which is around 50 degrees at most.

Compared to our Chinese white spirits, these Western distilled liquors lack the same intensity. It's quite evident that Western palates lean towards lighter flavors. They're accustomed to a "vegetarian" taste, unable to appreciate our Chinese "hearty feasts."

Fundamentally, Eastern and Western liquors differ. Western liquors predominantly use fruits as their base material. For instance, brandy is distilled from wine, carrying rich fruity aromas and often exhibiting a crystal-clear appearance, much like white spirits. Later, they mature the liquor by aging it in oak barrels.
Over time, the clear liquor gradually takes on a pale yellow hue, acquiring the unique caramel aroma from the oak barrels. The complexity of the liquor's aroma and flavor profile emerges, with its alcohol content not excessively high, focusing primarily on taste.

This differs significantly from our white spirits. Our white spirits can be categorized into light aroma and strong aroma types. The light aroma variety boasts a fragrant scent and a slightly sweet taste, with the most classic representative being "Er Guo Tou."

Westerners can somewhat accept the light aroma white spirits since they're not too different from their local liquors. However, when it comes to the realm of strong aroma liquors, Westerners completely reject them. The rich, heavy aroma of strong aroma liquor is overpowering for us, but for Westerners, it's an unbearable scent.

For them, this particular scent of strong aroma liquor is intolerable. They simply cannot comprehend why a liquor would possess such a scent. It lacks any fruitiness they might expect and, instead, presents a complex, overwhelming aroma of strong essence.
Approximately 80% of the human sense of taste stems from smell. Before a sip of any drink reaches the mouth, it must first pass through the nose. The aroma of strong aroma liquors, such as Chinese strong aroma white spirits, is something that Westerners find intolerable, let alone drinking it. It's like asking them to risk their lives!

Moreover, irrespective of the type, white spirits should never be chilled or mixed with ice directly. Doing so significantly alters the flavor and slows down alcohol absorption in the stomach, causing individuals to consume amounts far exceeding their tolerance levels.

The inability to chill white spirits is a characteristic that Westerners utterly reject. In their view, every drink should be chilled, following their drinking habits, believing that it enhances the taste.

White spirits are an incredibly unique presence worldwide. There's no other liquor quite like it. Even Russian vodka can't be equated with our white spirits.

Those who have tasted vodka know that while it might seem intimidating, it isn't particularly harsh in taste. It lacks a distinct aroma and essentially feels like diluted alcohol. This unique quality makes vodka a favorite for mixing cocktails. Adding a bit of odorless vodka to juice creates a cocktail.

Furthermore, Russians commonly drink vodka with a relatively moderate alcohol content, akin to Chinese white spirits, hovering around 50 degrees. Those 96-degree versions of vodka are just base spirits used for blending, not intended for direct consumption. They exist solely to reduce the cost of mixing cocktails.

Additionally, Westerners actually have a higher alcohol consumption in their daily lives compared to Eastern countries. They view drinking as a form of enjoyment. Even without a celebratory atmosphere, they indulge in alcohol. Consequently, they prioritize taste and quality. On the contrary, Chinese people drink alcohol more for the atmosphere. Gatherings during festivals or celebrations often call for some drinking, and solitary drinking is uncommon. Hence, taste is less of a concern for us, while the joy and ambiance brought by alcohol take precedence.

Different starting points in approaching alcohol lead to diverse preferences, creating differences in drinking cultures. Everyone should simply enjoy the drinks they prefer without forcing others to like theirs.

While enjoying white spirits, we shouldn't forget the brewed liquors that have been with us for millennia. Those mellow rice wines, yellow wines, and grape wines suit the Chinese constitution best. White spirits are essentially an "excitement booster" for nomadic tribes. However, as with all things, when the enthusiasm for white spirits reaches its peak, it will surely decline. People will eventually rediscover the appeal of brewed liquors.

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