A SteemIt Development Incident - SteemIt 开发团队把一个70级的大鱼帐号拿来当测试 - 泄露钥匙,有惊无险

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

I have accidentally found that an known account with active, owner and posting keys have been pushed to official github branch for steem-python a few weeks back.

It has been deleted, but the source control records everything including deletion the whole file. Gareth Nelson commented:

wtf is a WIF for a known account doing in here? bye

It is an unwise practice to store keys/account information directly in the Python source code. And the account owner has obviously changed his keys after this incident.

The incident: https://github.com/steemit/steem-python/commit/5efacf62c56f859e8a1b6a99b55a26f548c6eecf

With no offence to point out the developer's mistakes, the main purpose is to what we can learn the lessons from this incident. So I have removed mentioning the developer.

今天晚上我在看 官方 STEEM - PYTHON 库原代码 https://github.com/steemit/steem-python 的时候 ,无意发现了一个 叫 Gareth Nelson 的人在一个目录下留下评论:

wtf is a WIF for a known account doing in here? bye



这是在 steemit/steem-python/tests/steem/test_steem.py 这个脚本里,不过现在在代码库里已经被删除了,只不过 在github 代码控制里删除并不是真正意义的删除,代码管理其实还是会保留历史记录。

大家可以去围观: https://github.com/steemit/steem-python/commit/5efacf62c56f859e8a1b6a99b55a26f548c6eecf

我猜想,一定是 开发者在本地测试的时候用的自己的帐号,因为从 test_steem.py 上(包含了几个测试用例),他把自己的三个 重要的 key 都写在了PYTHON 原代码里:

可能那天他少喝了杯咖啡,结果一不小心就把代码提交了,并且 push 同步到远程 production 分支上了,结果发现的时候已经晚了,因为 github 会忠实记录所有的改变,包括删除也是一种改变。

不用想,开发者已经更改了这些 keys, 只不过,这是我们开发者一定得注意避免的,就是尽量不要把帐号密码写在代码里,实在一定要写的话,一定得用测试帐号,并且一定要把这些信息加密保存在文件里更安全一些。



Originally published at https://steemit.com Thank you for reading my post, feel free to Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.

原文首发于 https://Steemit.com 首发。感谢阅读,如有可能,欢迎Follow, Upvote, Reply, ReSteem (repost) @justyy 激励我创作更多更好的内容。

// Later, it may be reposted to my blogs: justyy.com, helloacm.com and codingforspeed.com 稍后同步到我的中文博客和英文计算机博客


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