(5x3 SBD Give-away Guess Game) The Kids' Imagination 孩子的想象力是巨大的 (答对的前3名每人送出5个SBD )

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

After coming from a farm today, my son drew this, and told me they are X and Y.  So your task is to guess which two animals they are.

I am giving out the 5 SBD for first three that guess this right, the rules are:

1.  follow me @justyy

2. upvote this

3. comment below and say your answer,  

4. Only 1 guess per ID please.

5. Answer will be published in 24 hours.



1. 关注我 @justyy

2. 点赞

3. 留言 猜一下这两种动物

4. 每个ID只能猜一次, 想好了再作答!

5. 明天(24小时)公布答案。

答对的 我会为答对的前3名每人送出5个SBD 


The answer is   ELEPHANT and HORSE 大象和马。

The hint is that long nose of the ELEPHANT.

恭喜   hansen7  和 wilkinshui  答对。

大象还是很好猜 的,你看那个鼻子



Elephant and horse =)

5 SBD sent!

Thank you very much! Too kind :)

Pig and goose

大象和馬 :)

恭喜你答对了, 5 SBD 已送出!

THANKSS!!! so happy!!



Daddy and Mommy ? Just kidding :P ....My educated guess will be goose and pig

:P It is elephant and horse



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