I want a Bigger House ! 看图说话 – 剑桥的房子

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

The houses in Cambridgeshire are expensive and small compared to the North e.g. Sheffield.  It says 3 bedroom, but usually, the third one is very small. You could barely count it as a bedroom  or a 2.5 bedroom house.

I spent 4 years in Sheffield before I moved south to Cambridgeshire. with around 200K pounds, you can get a 4 bedroom detached house in Sheffield, but in Cambridgeshire, the best you can get is a 3 (or 2.5) semi-detach, or most of the cases, the terrace house.

I today, put my desktop in the corner of the living room, so that I can put a temp bed for guests coming over next week. 

I need to make MORE money to buy a bigger house.... as my sons often said to me:  "Dad, I want a bigger house!"

今天在家收拾屋子,台式机搬到了客厅的小角落。原因是我姐还有姐夫侄子还有公公婆婆下周过来英国找我玩,于是家里的3房2厅太小了 勉强能塞下9个人。剑桥的房子说3个卧室,其实有一个非常小,只能用于当书房或者电脑房,  不过勉强还是能塞下一张气垫床的.


说到底,还是房子太小。 :cry  :cry.

所以:我也一直和 @jubi 一样,琢磨买别呢!

 Make money, and then buy villas 买别墅,我一直琢磨这事! 

不过, 每当想到如此, 就想起当年迷茫的我. 以下写于  2014年8月20日 

 人到中年, 得一妻两儿, 上有老下有小, 却还没有一套房子

// 2010年带着媳妇去 英国St Alban的河边,当时媳妇真是瘦 - 穿8号的裤子,现在7年过后,号码变成12号。。哎哎。时间真是把杀猪刀啊..

 ST Alban 是 伦敦北部30 km 处的一个小镇, 环境优美, 据说房价很高,都是富人区. 2010年我去过那,因为从 Luton 走也就 20 分钟火车. 那里居民很友善, 看见我们在马路上拿着地图便主动过来问是否需要帮助. 4年过去了, 看到这张照片, 竟然很怀念那里的一草一木. 

 说我不想买房, 那是假的. 之前是不确定在哪里留下来,后来等稍微确定了, 却又因手头没那么多钱. 再后来, 先结婚, 又有两儿子, 总之这事那事, 买房这事就一直没实现没靠谱过. 最近又想起这事, 因为总不能这么一直漂着吧.希望能给家人一个安定. 

 我一直很自豪的一件事就是自打我20岁出国后, 就没给家里要过一分钱. 所以买房这事, 我也一定会靠自己的努力解决. 父母年纪已大, 我怎么能忍心去用他们的积蓄?


First part originally published on Steemit, Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy, which motivates me to create more quality posts.

前半段 Steemit 首发,非常感谢阅读,欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容。  


Good luck.

I upvoted this and also resteemed :)

刷英国的别墅 :)





I hear house prices are falling in the UK, so you might not have to wait too long to buy a bigger house!

yes, that is because the pounds are falling.





能理解 其实房子大小 价值都不是最重要的。有一个自己按照自己想法去布置的地方,和可以看着孩子长大 带回来孙子孙女的地方 那就是家。


it will only take a short time but you can achieve getting yourself a bigger house.

Thanks, I hope so :)

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