《 上帝丰富的预备》The God Who Supplies

in #cn6 years ago

耶和华啊,谦卑人的心愿,你早已知道(原文是听见) 。你必预备他们的心,也必侧耳听他们的祈求, (诗篇 10:17 和合本)
You, Lord , hear the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry, (Psalms 10:17 NIV)
亚伯拉罕说:“我儿, 神必自己预备作燔祭的羊羔。”于是二人同行。 (创世记 22:8 和合本)
Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together. (Genesis 22:8 NIV)
他用云遮天,为地降雨,使草生长在山上。 (诗篇 147:8 和合本)
He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills. (Psalms 147:8 NIV)

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