文憑試告一段落 DSE finally comes to an end

in #cn6 years ago


歷時半個多月的文憑試終於告一段落了 所有的筆試已經結束 我也能把那些書本放在一旁 重拾我過往的興趣 也是時候把刪掉的遊戲逐一下載回來 LOL overwatch fortnite pubg 我來了~

DSE finally comes to an end. All the written test ended, I can finally throw away all the books and start downloading my deleted games,LOL overwatch fortnite I’m coming probably pubg too!


再過兩個禮拜我就會跟朋友去東京畢業旅行了!所以我也要好好看一下這本書呢 大家有什麼推薦的也能告訴我喔~

two weeks later I’m going to japan with friends for my graduation trip, so I have to read about this book too.
If u guys have anything to introduce to me, please comment below and let me know!~

【麻疹大爆發】全日本103人感染擴至東京 香港團五一如常出發

不過有一件事讓我挺擔心的 就是麻疹的問題 希望不會影響到我的旅行吧 好像挺危險的 希望大家也會沒事吧 不知道該不該現在接種疫苗以防萬一呢 因為它需要兩個禮拜才能發揮效用

but there’s one thing makes me worried, which is the issue of the disease. I hope it won’t affect my trip , cuz it’s quite dangerous. Should I take vaccine now ? Cuz it take two weeks to show the effect.


恭喜你!您的这篇文章入选 @justyy 今日 (2018-04-29) 榜单 【优秀被错过的文章】, 回复本条评论24小时内领赏,点赞本评论将支持 @dailychina 并增加将来您的奖赏。

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很想說一聲恭喜 hahaaa 記得當時我考完DSE 簡直好像放下心頭大石 :D

Thankssss 點止心頭大石咁簡單XD 不過越接近放榜舊大石又慢慢番過黎。。。

在大石未回歸之前就別想太多了 hahaa!! 盡情去玩吧 XDD


Congrats! Time to enjoy yourself before the next part of your life starts

free to post!!!


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