基于无预置IP list的GFW IP解锁方法

in #cn7 years ago

在以往的基于路由、iptables解锁GFW IP封锁的方法中,均需要一份国内或国外的IP地址列表,然后进行策略路由。基于这种方案的解锁,需要人工去维护一张IP地址列表,其中基于chnroutes方案生成的国内IP地址列表就有8000多条记录,在加载的时候会比较耗时,同时给路由器带来一定负担。本文给出一种基于无IP列表的自动IP访问监测及路由更变策略。

1. 修改iptables规则,实现对封锁IP或者干扰IP的自动检测标记

  • 封锁 IP监测,对于被封锁的IP,客户端往往会在短时间内多次发起TCP SYN请求,通过捕获高频SYN请求,识别潜在的被封锁IP地址
iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN \
        -m recent --rcheck --seconds 15 --hitcount 3 --name syn_watch_list --rdest \
        -j LOG --log-prefix "GFW_DECT_SYN "
iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN \
        -m recent --set --name syn_watch_list --rdest
iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -o eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK SYN \
        -j LOG --log-prefix "GFW_DEBUG "
  • 受干扰IP监测(敏感词过滤),对于被干扰的IP,通过捕获来自WAN口的RST请求,识别潜在被封锁的IP地址
iptables -I FORWARD -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags RST RST -j LOG --log-prefix "GFW_DECT_RST "

2. 将监测到的被干扰IP加入策略路由(基于旁路路由)或iptables端口重定向(基于本地ss-redir实现)


export GFW_LOCAL_GATEWAY=[Replace with your free Internat access gateway ip]
export GFW_REMOTE_VPN=[Replace with your remote ss-server ip]

watch -n 1 dmesg -c|grep GFW_DECT|grep -v $GFW_REMOTE_VPN|\
        awk '/GFW_DECT_SYN/{print $5};/GFW_DECT_RST/{print $4}'|\
        awk -F= '{if($1=="SRC"){cmd="route -n|grep "$2" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
                route add "$2" gateway "ENVIRON["GFW_LOCAL_GATEWAY"]" >/dev/null 2>&1"} \
                else{cmd="route -n|grep "$2" || ping -c 1 -W 1 "$2"  >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
                route add "$2" gateway "ENVIRON["GFW_LOCAL_GATEWAY"]" >/dev/null 2>&1"}; \

3. 进行透明路由转发


export GFW_LOCAL_GATEWAY=[Replace with your free Internat access gateway ip]
export GFW_REMOTE_VPN=[Replace with your remote ss-server ip]
sudo ss-nat -s $GFW_REMOTE_VPN -l [Your ss-redir local listening port] -b $GFW_REMOTE_VPN -u
sudo nohup ss-redir -s $GFW_REMOTE_VPN -p [Your ss-server listening port] \
                    -k [Your ss-server password] -m [Your ss-server crypto method] \
                    -l [Your ss-redir local listening port] -b -u

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