Still as innocent as clouds and innocent 仍然像云无辜无辜

in #cn7 years ago


She married him when she was 19. Still as innocent as clouds and as natural as any youth that range. First year freshman at the Foreign Language University, she was more eloquent than any girl she had ever seen, as she watched and glared at the other person. She is passionate, devout and has deep faith in astrology, or very literary people still called by the name of science: Horoscope. So that, after only a few contact, she can guess who is the zodiac and what personality. This made her feel self-conscious.

当她19岁时,她嫁给了他,仍然像云层一样无辜,像任何一个年轻人一样自然。 外国语大学的一年级大一新生,比她看过的任何一个女孩更有说服力,因为她看着和瞪着对方。 她充满激情,虔诚,对占星术有深刻的信仰,或者仍然以科学名称命名的文学人物:占星。 所以,经过几次接触,她可以猜出是谁的黄道十二宫和什么个性。 这使她感到自我意识。

Daughter of Cancer, always sour rocky, like the first time she and I met ...

When he was 25 years old, thanks to his father's "blessing", he climbed to the head of the room hardly after only 2 years of work. Also car air conditioning like anyone, he suddenly burst into laughter when he saw her - in the middle of the road carrying giraffe, pink skirt tha, bicycle basket full of clouds full of purple flowers, strange as never seen. He ignored, then did not understand how to think, driving to her side, hit the horn, teasing:

当他25岁时,由于他父亲的“祝福”,他几乎没有在两年的工作之后爬到房间的头上。 另外汽车空调就像任何人一样,当他看到她的时候突然大笑起来 - 在长颈鹿的路中间,粉红色的裙子,自行车的篮子充满了紫色的花朵,奇怪的是从来没有见过。 他忽略了,然后不明白怎么想,开车到她身边,打了个角,挑逗:

- chopsticks in my heart!

She was startled. The lime bent down looks like a natural unconditional reflex. Suddenly saw him in the car laughed mischievous. She stared out: "Oh ... the chopsticks are plugged into the rim and they are plugged into the ground ...". Her face was hot, embarrassing, but still cursed.

- Dentistry plugs in to him!

His smile was fresh, suddenly regained, became full of grace. She stopped him a kilometer long, biking straight. Fluffy pink skirt still charming. He died in the middle of the crowded street. Looking at the "pink skirt" forever, until her shadow disappears behind the green trees at the end of the road, he was startled by a series of horn cars behind the car. Someone cried out:

他的笑容很新鲜,突然恢复,充满了恩典。 她阻止了他一公里长的直升机。 蓬松的粉色裙子仍然迷人。 他在拥挤的街道中间死亡。 看着“粉红色的裙子”永远,直到她的阴影消失在路边尽头的绿树之下,他被汽车后面的一系列喇叭车吓倒了。 有人喊道:

- What the hell is that damn block? Dam the car out now !!!

He rushed the car, turned to another road, thought silently:

- I still have the case like when you stop the new baby ...?


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