Saturday Indigo 时间定格那一秒

in #cn7 years ago

Happy Saturday,

As I remembered, after we come back from our new year's day holiday, most cities in Jiangsu snows except Suzhou! And in steemit, many steemians post their snows. You might have enjoyed many beautiful snow. But they have not post about the first night when it starts snowing. I will show you.

I love the color of it--Indigo. This photo was shoot in Nanjing, the snow seems dramatic in the light, and the sky and the buildings truns to indigo, looking at the cars, motors and walking people in the street, I think of one scene in the movie-- Tiny Times.

It is a snowy day, three of the siblings are rushing to another sister's place since she was almost sick to die. I do not know why,I was deeply touched by them, no matter how they quarrel with each, once any of them need help, they will be there.



我记得月初的时候,放完元旦节,朋友圈还有steemit社区都经历过了很多下雪,江苏几乎所有的城市都下雪了,当然除了苏州,很多苏州宝宝们都很郁闷呢,等了一个世纪都没等来初雪! 大家欣赏了这么多美丽的雪景,不是还没有欣赏过刚下雪那会儿的情景呢? 让我来展示给你们吧,相机的好处这就体现出来啦,虽然逝去了的时光,但是它能代替我们一一记录下来!

我很喜欢这个颜色,湛蓝色。这张照片是在南京拍的,雪花飘落在路灯的映照下显得格外的好看,天空和周边建筑物也因此变了颜色,很梦幻! 不知怎么的,看到这一刻的时候我总能想起电影小时代中的一个场景!

也是一个下雪天,很大很大的雪,她们姐妹中的三个,在雪中狂奔着,很急切的往另一个姐妹的住所奔跑,很感动于这种感情--打不散骂不走! 不管他们互相之间之前有多么大的争吵,在另一个人需要的时候,总是会陪伴在身边!


This is my entry for colorchallenge, today's color is Indigo!

感谢您一直以来对 @herlife 的支持!

Pls follow, upvote & reply @herlife, Thank you!




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