Steemit chain 私の趣味はグルメ、旅行とアイドルです / 从日本二字衍生出来的美食旅行偶像 / Hobby initiated from JAPAN:Food, Travel and Idol / 從日本二字演變出來的興趣:美食旅行偶像 |谷哥点名#7 兴趣

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

📷 (ENG/中文) Steemit Topic:


Hobby initiated from JAPAN: Food, Travel and Idol



谷哥点名#7 兴趣

(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philipグルメガイド) 📷

“Hobby”/“Interest” ! It is a meaningful steemit topic share created by @jubi . The first word about “Hobby”/“Interest” that immediately floating on my mind is “JAPAN”. My life and interest are all around Japan related stuff everyday!

說到興趣的話,這個題目非常有意義!謝謝前輩 @jubi發起這次谷哥點名:興趣。問一問自己,第一個在腦浮起的詞語是「日本」!從"日本"二字衍生出來的興趣有很多,而一切也是圍繞著她呢!

兴趣这个题目非常有意义!谢谢前辈 @jubi发起这次谷哥点名:兴趣。问一下自己,第一个想起的词语是「日本」!从"日本"二字衍生出来的兴趣有很多,而且一切也是围绕着她呢!

I was in love with Japan since 10 years ago. After that I keep traveling there, listening JPOP and trying different Japanese food at the beginning. And then I studied Japanese in Tokyo, promoted my company products there and published a Tokyo Gourmet and Cuisine Guide Book (爆食日本) in Hong Kong. And currently, I stay for 1/3 to 1/2 of year in Japan every year. It is a just right “Relationship” and “Distance” between us. Hehe…



In order to write this post, I checked my hard disk and found that I had written so many trip reviews, uncountable one. I retrieved many valuable memories.



There are many great memories for reading the past Japan reviews.



For these three years, I was in love with “Japan”. At the beginning, I liked Tokyo the most, but also lost interest for a while. After I travel around Japan from the north Hokkaido to the south Kagoshima and flied to Okinawa, I found that “Tokyo” is my true love!From traveling around 23 official area of Tokyo to living in Tokyo, I knew more about Tokyo.



Living in Tokyo share house with different people from different nations, it was happy moment last few years! During that period, I went to school in the morning and explored Tokyo.

在日本見聞是最令我開心的興趣,尤其是在東京和不同國籍人士在 share house 一起住的日子!在這段時間,每天早上上學,放學見聞,記下東京點滴。

在日本见闻是最令我开心的兴趣,尤其是在东京和不同国籍人士在 share house 一起住的日子!在这段时间,每天早上上学,下课见闻,记下东京点滴。

Writing the reviews in Japan is my favorite hobby and interest. I had tried over thousand restaurants in Japan. Last year my Tokyo Gourmet Restaurant Guide Book was published. And now I am still eating around Japan and happy to share the experience with readers here!



In my travel reviews, you can usually see a yellow little doll. Her name is “Lemon Ball”! I bring her eating around Japan. Isn’t she cute? Haha…



Other than eating in Japan, I like idol group SMAP and Kimura Takuya in early years (The lady in photo is Kimura Takuya's mum).

在日本興趣除了喜歡好東西同時,另一個興趣看偶像組合!喜歡 SMAP 歌曲和木村拓哉的日劇(圖中那位是木村拓哉媽媽)

在日本兴趣除了喜欢好东西同时,另一个兴趣看偶像组合!喜欢 SMAP 歌曲和木村拓哉的日剧(图中那位是木村拓哉妈妈)

And now I admire AKB48 and Nogizaka 46. It is so entertaining to watch their concert and join their shake hand event. I also like investigating their succeed reason, business model and dream theory. Currently I writing AKB48 and Nogizaka 46 news on web and facebook, I hope Steemit will have more people talking about them in future.
(AKB48, HKT48, NGT48, NMB48, SKE48, STU48, 乃木坂46, 欅坂46, keyakizaka46, けやき坂46)

近年喜歡一群向夢想追求的 AKB48 和乃木坂46,看她們的演唱會公演和參加活動,也深入研究她們的一切相關,成功之道、商業模式和夢想概念。在 Steemit 以外地方,例如 website 和 facebook,我每天也在寫和關注她們的在 Steemit 以外地方,例如 website 和 facebook,我每天也在寫和關注她們的相關。可惜,在 Steemit 找不到喜歡 AKB48 和乃木坂46 的朋友呢!希望將來有更多人加入可以多談論呢。我希望未來我的 power 足夠會令到多點人認識她們呢!

近年喜欢一群向梦想追求的 AKB48 和乃木坂46,看她们的演唱会公演和参加活动,也深入研究她们的一切相关,成功之道、商业模式和梦想概念。在 Steemit 以外地方,例如 website 和 facebook,我每天也在写和关注她们的相关。可惜,在 Steemit 找不到喜欢 AKB48 和乃木坂46 的朋友呢!希望将来有更多人加入可以多谈论呢。我希望未来我的 power 足够会令到多点人认识她们呢!

Kumamoto Prefecture Aso Senrigahama/熊本県阿蘇市草千里ヶ浜 /熊本県阿苏市草千里ヶ浜

And now, I will be keep writing the Japan gourmet and trip review everyday. I am happy to see everyone write high quality post here! Although it is time consuming to write a post in two translations, it is worth to do so! I am enjoying writing Japanese stuff here because it is my hobby and interest. I hope you guys feel happy when reading the posts! Thank you!

現在我每天都會在 steemit 介紹日本食店和旅遊,因為這裡不同的作者寫得很好,我也會很認真的寫。雖然寫中英文章要比平時花兩三倍時間,但是我覺得很值得!那麼先寫回今年的日本遊記,希望分享給喜歡日本旅行和美食的朋友!分享寫作就是我的興趣!謝謝!

现在我每天都会在 steemit 介绍日本食店和旅游,因为这里不同的作者写得很好,我也会很认真的写。虽然写中英文章要比平时花两三倍时间,但是我觉得很值得!那么先写今年的日本游记,希望分享给喜欢日本旅行和美食的朋友!分享写作就是我的兴趣!谢谢!

So let's have fun for next tour guide! If you like this page, please feel free to add me as friend, upvote and resteem! Thank you!

这次写到这里,希望大家喜欢!好孩子 Philip 的日本游记和食店报告,喜欢的话,欢迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,谢谢!下篇再见!

今次先寫到這裡,希望大家喜歡!好孩子 Philip 的日本遊記和食店報告,喜歡的話,歡迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,謝謝! 下篇再見!😋

加 goodboyphilip 做朋友

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thx for sharing

Really nice to see this type of post.thank you very much for post.

wowwwww...... follow meee

It's great you have found what you truly love and enjoy doing at such an early age. When I am able to travel to Japan, I'm going to use you as my tour guide!

Lemon Doll is cute! lol

"Action". Times fly very fast. We must do what our heart really wanna do. Otherwise, we will be regret.

I like Lemon Doll too. She travels with me these two years. You will see her in the trip or restaurant reviews.❤️❤️❤️

Great Value Information :)

😊 thank you

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Welcome to steemit @goodboyphilip. I love Japan and Japanese food!!!! Would definitely put on quite a bit of weight if I lived in Japan. haha. So much good food to post about in Japan. My mouth is drooling. I'm blogging about my recent trip through Japan. If you’re interested follow me @feedmylife to check out some of my food and travel adventures.


:-) hello @goodboyphilip I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @shan98

Thank you😘😘

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