(ENG/中文) #014 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide 爆食日本美食東京篇<北青山 FELLOWS>: 差点要放弃的汉堡包 Upstairs & Upstairs Hamburger 等到頸都長漢堡包店 (好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip Tokyo 食レポグルメガイド)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


🍔(ENG/中文) #014 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide 爆食日本美食東京篇<北青山 FELLOWS>: 差点要放弃的汉堡包 Upstairs & Upstairs Hamburger 等到頸都長漢堡包店 (好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip Tokyo 食レポグルメガイド) 🍔

🍔(ENG/中文) #014 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide



Upstairs & Upstairs Hamburger


(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip Tokyo食レポグルメガイド) 🍔

上回 / Last Episode #013 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide :

Shibuya is the district that I frequently go. I like walking around Shibuya and Harajuku. It was Miss Shiraishi Mai Photo Album “Passport” releasing period. Normally, the book stores and CD shops have many advertisements and counters in Shibuya, especially the Tsutaya of QFront. There were many fans buying photo album.

這天在渋谷遊玩,通常我都會渋谷和原宿兩邊逛。因為乃木坂46的白石麻衣寫真集出版,渋谷QFront Tsutaya 都會有很多宣傳。看看她在這裡的巨大宣傳板,男女粉絲也在這裏拍攝。

这天在渋谷游玩,通常我都会渋谷和原宿两边逛。因为乃木坂46的白石麻衣写真集出版,渋谷QFront Tsutaya 都会有很多宣传。看看她在这里的巨大宣传板,男女粉丝也在这里拍摄。

Some book stores and CD shops provide “Shop Privilege” (店舗特典) for buyers. Tsutaya gift of Shiraishi Mai photo album were the official poster and postcard. The image of post card was different from that of other shop. Also, there was lucky draw of selected poster. I selected the one Miss Shiraishi eating potato chips with funny smile!

有一些商店會有店舖限定特典禮物送給購買這本寫真集的買家,例如這間 Tsutaya 贈送的明信片和海報,跟昨天我在三省堂書店贈送的不同。而且這間還可以參加抽奬送出寫真集裡的某張自選海報。看了14張最喜歡這一張,我填好資料,選擇抽選她吃薯片的那一張,很調皮的笑容呢!

有一些商店会有店铺限定特典礼物送给购买这本写真集的买家,例如这间 Tsutaya 赠送的明信片和海报,跟昨天我在三省堂书店赠送的不同。而且这间还可以参加抽奖送出写真集里的某张自选海报。看了14张最喜欢这一张,我填好资料,选择抽选她吃薯片的那一张,很调皮的笑容呢!

There were also many singers and celebrities counter in Tsutaya, such as AKB48 and Saito Asuka of Nogizaka 46. After shopping, it was time to go to target cuisine!

還有其他歌手和明星的宣傳位。AKB48,還有早前乃木坂46 齋藤飛鳥推出的寫真集。逛完渋谷 Tsutaya,剛好到了吃飯時間去目標食店!

还有其他歌手和明星的宣传位。 AKB48,还有早前乃木坂46 斋藤飞鸟推出的写真集。逛完渋谷 Tsutaya,刚好到了吃饭时间去目标食店!

The Target Restaurant #014: FELLOWS, is located in Omote Sando area, somewhere near Kita Aoyama. It was a hamburger restaurant in my Target List for a long time. I arrived there around 1:30 pm. There were around ten guests queuing up. Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip!

今天的目標食店 #014: FELLOWS,在原宿表參道附近,一直都在我的漢堡包目標食店選擇內,他的位置在表參道的後街。我在下午一點多到達,想不到門市有大概十多人排隊。那天天氣很寒冷,站在門前等候真是寒風刺骨!「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

今天的目标食店 #014: FELLOWS,在原宿表参道附近,一直都在我的汉堡包目标食店选择内,他的位置在表参道的后街。我在下午一点多到达,想不到门市有大概十多人排队。那天天气很寒冷,站在门前等候真是寒风刺骨! 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

This restaurant was also introduced by a super new star group Keyakezaka 46.

這食店是人氣女組合欅坂46 在電視節目「欅って、書けない?」介紹過的漢堡食店:原田葵Harada Aoi小林由依Kobayashi Yui 今泉佑唯Imaizumi Yui 齋藤冬優花 Saito Fuyuka (2016.10.24 欅坂46「欅って、書けない?」食レポチャレンジ!ロケ地)

The restaurant was a 3 floor small building. During queuing up, I thought that I could enter the restaurant quickly. However, it took 40 minutes to the front door! You know, the weather was so cold in February. Fooo….



Oh no! After queuing up outside, guests continue queuing in the restaurant! The ground floor has no seat but stairs to second floor! Well, let’s have fun myself by look around the decoration of the restaurant. The doll, figure and small accessories are in western style.



And I spent another 40 minutes to queue up to second floor, it is a kitchen that is not the dining area!



Finally, I had waited for the seat around one and a half hour! Unexpectedly long long time! Between the second floor and third floor, there were few single seats but there were no guest sitting. The top floor is the dinning room that it could fill in about 20 guests.



The most popular dishes are Bacon Cheese Burger and Avocado Cheese Burger. I ordered the Bacon Cheese Burger. There was no set so I had to order the beverage separately which cost 150 Yen. I was so thirsty! The hamburger and French fries were served. The staff also brought two ketchup and mustang. I looked around the hamburger that it was quite big as six inch wide.

漢堡包和薯塊上枱,侍應也帶來了兩大支茄汁和芥辣醬。先圍繞漢堡包 360度看一圈,漢堡包面積算大,約六寸。

食店著名的漢堡包是培根芝士漢堡和鱷梨芝士漢堡,我點了前者。食店沒有套餐,學飲料要自己額外點,因為排隊太口喝,加了一杯可樂。漢堡包和薯塊上枱,侍應也帶來了兩大支茄汁和芥辣醬。先圍繞漢堡包 360度看一圈,漢堡包面積算大,約六寸。

The selling point was the patty. It was burned in barbecue style. I could sell the fire aroma. Although the patty was not super juicy, the meat was in strong taste. And the bread was dry and crispy, not as soft as many hamburger restaurant style. This was the differentiated and special characteristic.



Overall, the hamburger quality was above average. However, the queuing up time was so long. Although the number of guests was around fifth-teen, it took so much time to wait. The reason was that there were only three staff (Kitchen, server and cashier). The server and cashier also needed to help in kitchen. Moreover, the hamburger patty took time to cook. That’s why the restaurant could not handle 20 guests at the same time. I am willing to wait 40 minutes as maximum queuing time.

整體來說算不錯,一個多小時就過份了呢。哈哈⋯排隊人數不算多,但是時間那麼長,相信是因為人手不足。請間食店只有三人,廚房、傳菜、收錢三部分;除了廚房內的廚師不出來之外,另外兩人也要將廚房幫手呢。人手不足以同時應付 20 個客人呢!如果以排隊時間值來計,我願意用40分鐘來排隊。


After eating the hamburger, it was 3:30pm and I continued shopping in Harajuku




ASOKO is a store selling funny stuff at cheap prices. It is similar to FLYING TIGERS in my opinion. It is worth to shop. They had collaboration with Doraemon at that moment. You know Doraemon, right?

ASOKO 是一間賣有趣又便宜小玩意的商店,有點像 FLYING TIGERS 的特色。那時她跟多啦A 夢叮噹有合作企劃呢!

ASOKO是一间卖有趣又便宜小玩意的商店,有点像FLYING TIGERS的特色。那时她跟多啦A梦叮当有合作企划呢!

In Shibuya, I liked shopping in CD stores such as Tower Records and HMV.

走到涉谷,唱片店中,除了中午逛了的 Tsutaya,HMV 和 Tower Records 也是我常去的唱片店。因為白石麻衣推出寫真集,所以我也逛這裡呢。Shibuya Tower Records. 渡辺麻友 Watanabe Mayu柏木由紀 Yukirin Kashiwagi 北原里英 Kitahara Rie 星野源 Hoshino Gen菅井友香 Sugai Yuka ( 欅坂46 KEYAKEZAKA 46 )

君と100回目の恋 Miwa 坂口健太郎

There were many AKB48 and Nogizaka 46 stuff in MODI HMV.
Modi 的 HMV 常常有 AKB48 和乃木坂46 的東西。( 橋本奈々未 Hashimoto Nanamiけやき坂46 長濱ねる )


For dinner in Shibuya, this restaurant is my favorite. It was the expertise in fried rice especially the crab rice. I ate many times and collect the coupon and got one free meal this time. The Japan male group ARASHI member, Matsu Jun also likes eating their fried rice. The quality of fried rice is as good as China, Taiwan and Hong Kong!

晚上去了「飯堂」吃炒飯,已經儲滿了印花,可以免費吃炒飯呢!這間食店的炒飯著名是蟹肉炒飯,有很多款套餐,每日一次儲兩個印花,可以換小食,也可以送炒飯。日本天團 Arashi 嵐的松本潤也大讚不絕。我覺得食店的炒飯非常有鑊氣,不下於中港台的中式炒飯呢!

晚上去了「饭堂」吃炒饭,已经储满了印花,可以免费吃炒饭呢!这间食店的炒饭著名是蟹肉炒饭,有很多款套餐,每日一次储两个印花,可以换小食, 也可以送炒饭。日本天团岚的松本润也大赞不绝。我觉得食店的炒饭非常有镬气,不下于中港台的中式炒饭呢!

Before going back, I read from twitter that Miss Shiraishi Mai had went to the top floor of QFront book store and signed the poster. So I check that out. Well, that was FANS life. You know!



  • Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
    Bacon Cheese Burger (1450 Yen) /Avocado cheeseburger (1400 Yen)

  • Overall Rating/綜合評分:
    GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟
    POPULARITY 人氣指數 🌟🌟🌟🌟
    DECORATION 店內裝潢 🌟🌟🌟
    SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟

  • Name/店名:

  • Category/類型/ジャンル:

  • Address/地址/住所:
    3-8-11 Kitaaoyama Minato Tokyo
    東京都港区北青山 3-8-11

  • Traffic/交通/斴近車站:
    Tokyo Metro Omotesando Station

  • Working Hours/營業時間:
    Tuesday-Saturday 11:30~16:00/18:00~22:00(L.O.)
    Sunday 11:30~19:00(L.O.)

  • Day Off/休息日:

  • Homepage/网站/網站/ホームページ:

So let's have fun for next tour guide! If you like this page, please feel free to add me as friend, upvote and resteem! Thank you!

这次写到这里,希望大家喜欢!好孩子 Philip 的日本游记和食店报告,喜欢的话,欢迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,谢谢!下篇再见!

今次先寫到這裡,希望大家喜歡!好孩子 Philip 的日本遊記和食店報告,喜歡的話,歡迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,謝謝! 下篇再見!😋

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