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RE: 一个隐秘小巷与色彩鲜明艺术壁画之旅 // A Tour into Hidden Alleys and Vibrant Art Murals (featuring @originate as author)

in #cn8 years ago

A Tour into Hidden Alleys and Vibrant Art Murals (featuring @originate as author)


Art is said to be for the masses but unfortunately judged by the connoisseur. Which to me is similar to the saying, man’s war, poor man’s blood…” Once took a art class while in college and the main thing I remember is something called linear perspective. The linear perspective concept allied to a work of art called Starry Night. If you ever get a chance to view that work or art you will understand. Now I don’t see that concept applying to the wall art of L.A. but I do see art that is appropriately congruent for the neighborhoods where this art is. After all, it isn’t really art until it is expressed and appreciated by someone.

The art with the Cult Classic painted on the wall is classic. It merges the coolness of iconic 1950s America with the continuing culture of today. After all, who doesn’t like pretty girls and nice cars. These icons permeate all cultures and demographics within cultures. To that i must add the man in the suit walking down the stairs or maybe looking backward at something. No, he is turned completely around and walking down not up. Just my opinion but if he was walking up the stairs a there could have existed the intimation of a connection between him and the guy writing on the portion of the painting that says NEVER. Maybe he saw himself as a future suit and tie person but deliberately choose to not move up the rungs of success even though being prepared as indicated by the suit and tie.

I do agree with the writer of this article that incorporating the decaying tree in the Thrift Shop mural seamlessly validates what is already there with what augments the indigenous value of the neighborhood’s existing resources. Not much more I can say. These type of murals can be found across America in cities of all sizes. I appreciate your article. Can you please post similar articles when you have the time? Just my thoughts, Ron.

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