谈谈搞笑币 joke token
1。狗币 (Doge coin)
狗币是2013年12月推出的,这个币是用很红很搞笑的internet meme的狗来代言的,很多人看到那只狗都觉得很可爱,很搞笑,本来推出来只是开开玩笑,却因为用的人多反而流行起来,很多人在reddit上面送来送去,reddit社区会员多达8万人,和比特币社区比,比特币社区会员也只是多他们3倍而已。后来更被抄家看中,来一轮超级爆抄,在2017年7月份更曾经暴涨到3。4亿美金,足足从最初的几百千涨了1000倍
2。操币 (Fuck token)
这个操币是在2017六月推出的,也是以开玩笑的形式推出,比如别人是POW(proof of work),POS(proof of stake)他们就来一个什么proof of fuck,然后他们也同样做了一些程式让用户在reddit上送来送去,然后说什么世界上不够操,所以要给多一点操给别人,虽然是开玩笑用的,可是市值也给他们玩到有一百万美金那么多,据说有些人还特地去买来送给朋友开开玩笑
Hello Steemit friend today I wanna talk about joke token, whats a joke token? its a token started out as a joke but it end up successful due to its popularity, lets talk about 2 token that i know
- Doge coin
Doge coin started out in December 2013 as a “joke currency” using the popular internet meme Shiba Inu dog as its icon, however due to the dog is so cute and funny it become widely popular especially in reddit where member tipping each other some free dogecoin. Reddit dogecoin subscriber reached 80k and they are not so far behind bitcoin. Huge speculator even spike the price up until it worth some 340 million on 2017 July, almost a 1000x gain from its initial worth
I bought some dogecoin before on 2014 however I did not withdraw them from the cryptsy exchange. When they got hacked and bankrupt one day I lose all my dogecoin
- Fuck token
Fuck token was launched on June 2017 as a joke, they say there are not enough fuck given in this world so we must give a fuck to more people, they even go as far as saying others POW(proof of work) and POS(proof of stake) is old and not as good as their proof of fuck given. So far they have build a system that work around reddit so user can tip each other some fuck token and they are gaining more and more users, marketcap wise they have reached $1 million
I won’t buying this because I think the name is too offensive
thanks for reading
smart post i like it
Haha, next time should invest in these joke tokens. Doge coin 1000x :O
you can try some of the fuck token if you want haha
Hi! @fundurian Good post, Thank you for the information!
Held some dogecoin when I was first getting to know cryptocurrency, but soon sell off all to more valuable coins.
at least you didnt lose it like me
haha i wonder why people will buy that fuck token. Since people don't really give a fuck.

yup, most ppl dont give a fuck
狗幣真可愛 XDD