水果雕刻,您见过吗? Have you ever seen fruit carving?

in #cn6 years ago

加拿大温哥华的一名艺术家Clive Cooper擅长在水果上进行雕刻。事不宜迟,大家来感受一下他的雕刻作品吧。这是牛奶麦片中的一颗草莓,被他雕刻成了张开血盆大口,正在吞食麦片。
Clive Cooper, an artist in Vancouver, Canada, is good at carving on fruit. We come to feel This matter should not be delayed., his sculptures. This is a strawberry milk cereal, he carved into a bloody mouth open, eating cereal.


This is his watermelon engraving, isn't it? Carved out of the character is vivid, lifelike.


This is a crocodile head carved with watermelon, the complex texture of the crocodile head, and the teeth are carved out by him.


This is carved out of the Vikings, even the watermelon also use it, as a knight's helmet, is really bizarre.



This doesn't know what character is. Is there anyone who knows?

This doesn't know what character is. Do you know any old iron?

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