Wild Boar Meet and Fishing in Qiandao Lake - 千岛湖的野猪肉

in #cn8 years ago (edited)


In China, Wild boar are protected animals , but in certain seasons and areas due to the restoration of the natural ecological environment in some areas wild boar populations in rapidly expanding, especially in the mountains, local farmers crops no income, by the relevant staff composition of the Government hunting team, they have a valid hunting certificates, hunting each year the number is strictly limited,
We in Lake Qiandao fishing, have the opportunity to encounter them into the mountains to hunt, bring back to the wild boar, During the day, you can hardly see wild boar, but at night, they come out in groups,China has many farmed wild boar,But they like to sleep in a pig sty

我们在千岛湖钓鱼, 有幸遇到他们进山打猎,带回的野猪,在中国能看见野猪也不常见,能吃到野猪肉,更是很难, 现在很多人工养殖的野猪,但那还是在猪圈里喜爱睡觉的猪

Usually they would go hunting with five dogs, who can not find wild boar into the mountains, thanks to these dogs to hunt



Butcher who moves very skilled, less than half an hour, all buttoned up, bloody scenes Figure I not upload / 杀猪是轻车熟路,不到半个小时,全搞定了, 血腥场面的图我就不发了




Wild pork is very expensive, but you guess which part of selling the most expensive? Actually wild boar belly, a more than 200 pieces, have to queue reservation, want to buy can not buy, I heard that Chinese people are like wild boar belly can heal



Lake early morning fog, you could not see anything


The fish called the horses mouth, not our fishing, local villagers caught in the creek, very expensive / 这个鱼叫马口,不是我们钓的,当地村民在溪沟里捕获的


These are our harvest red tail in the water fishing the hotel, of course,Take home a little, also brought back some wild boar.
这些红尾是我们在水上钓鱼酒店的收获,在餐馆加工,带回去的就这么点了, 当然野猪肉也带回了一些, 每年十月份他们又要开始守猎了


Congratulations with successful hunting and fishing. By the way, we have a lot of wild boars in our Haifa city (Israel) . You have prompted me the idea to my post too )

rich detail,keep it up.welcome to check my post.

Hunting feral pigs in Texas. No bag limit.

meanwhile, back on the ranch, not far from here.

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