中印边界对峙 台湾是否该置身事外?(Does the Sino-Indian border confront Taiwan?)

in #cn7 years ago



而在印度每期发行量超过160万的杂志"India Today",则是在之前出刊的杂志封面上刻意拿掉台湾与西藏,被中国大陆官方批评"只会搞小动作"。让台湾无意间也成为中印两国在边界争议上的配角。



(Recently, two people from Taiwan because of the Republic of China passport to travel to India Kashmir region tourism, because the passport on the "China" words were subject to the customs officers of the lien, and finally after the Taiwan authorities to negotiate before they are allowed to travel.

In India, more than 1.6 million issue of the magazine "India Today", it is published in the previous magazine cover on the cover of Taiwan and Tibet, the Chinese mainland official criticism "will only engage in small tricks." Let Taiwan inadvertently become a supporting role in the border dispute between China and India.

Tsinghua University, Taiwan Institute of Sociology assistant professor, South Asian scholar Fang Tianci to BBC Chinese network, of course, in the objective position, is absolutely hope that the event of a peaceful solution. In the long run, Taiwan and India also have the possibility of strategic cooperation, but in the moment or to avoid the conflict intensified.

He analyzed: "once the situation warming, and even the possibility of turmoil, I am afraid that will lead to large-scale action in India, regardless of the Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, are no small investment in India, then do not understand the situation of the Indians, Will take Taiwan and other non-coherent people surgery, then the consequences would be disastrous. "

And whether India is really on China's "little tricks", Fang Tianci frankly said: "India in India-China relations can play cards have not much, not Taiwan is Tibet, and sometimes the Tibetan card is also" relatively easy to use ", Such as the arrangements for the Dalai Lama to visit the southern region, you can directly pick the Chinese sensitive nerve")



 - 为什么中国不能忽视印度?



  - 中印对抗:前线和平解决的黎明?

(According to BBC Chinese network research on the confrontation between China and India reported:

- why can not China ignore India?

- Where will China-India border confrontation go?

-Border confrontation: China strengthens public opinion offensive to force India to withdraw its troops

 - Sino-Indian confrontation: the dawn of a peaceful solution in front?)



图片版权 China Times
Image caption 1987年,印度成立"阿鲁纳恰尔邦",台湾当局也"严厉谴责"。




(History of the Republic of China
Left behind

And the history of education in Taiwan, until the 1990s, Taiwan is still the past history of the Chinese Republic of China starting point of view, so in the past involved in the Sino-Indian border issues, textbooks in the discussion also use outdated discussion, such as China and India Country as "Sikkim, Bhutan" and so on, but in fact the Kingdom of Sikkim has been forced to abolish in 1975 by India.

Even in February 1987, India will be the traditional Tibetan region of independence as "Arunachal Pradesh", in addition to the People's Republic of China protest, even in Taiwan has retreated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the Republic of China, Statement "solemnly condemned", newspaper and published on the front page, said "never recognized".
Image Copyright China Times
In 1987, India set up "Arunachal Pradesh", the Taiwan authorities also "severely condemned".

Fang Tianci said: "In the past, when we look at the border conflict between China and India, we will look at the Sino-Indian issue with the more nationalist ideology of Chinese culture." But now the solution, now the government's foreign policy step on pragmatism, for the Republic of China's Begonia "territorial dispute" can not be resolved, it is better to choose to shelve.

And China and India confrontation so far, Fang Tianci also believe that such a deadlock will be extended to the internal affairs. He analyzed: "China is about to convene the nineteenth, the pressure point forced now they will put a tough gesture.But India will also usher in 15 days on the Independence Day, in the past will not show weakness," the two sides seem a bit similar to the face of the Fight.

As China will force India to comply with the "one China" policy, India will ask China to recognize the Kashmir region as an integral part of India, both sides of the stalemate has become a kind of "traditional", some aspects of some similar character.)


但是方天赐仍认为,台湾虽与许多其他国家一样,都采取相对消极的态度,一旦错失积极表态的机会后。也会无形间被中印两国拿来"当牌打",如同"India Today"封面事件即是很好范例。




(Taiwan lacks its own views?

But Fang Tianci still believes that although Taiwan, like many other countries, have taken a relatively negative attitude, once the opportunity to miss the positive attitude. Will be invisible between China and India to bring "when the card", as "India Today" cover event that is a good example.

Fang said: "India to Taiwan, Tibet as a card to play, when the card is" can be abandoned ", until both sides of China and India together, will return to the" one China "big discussion, Taiwan this card can no need". And therefore in a moderate case, the Taiwan government or to explain their position.

In addition, the Taiwan media such as the "China Times", it is a large length of editorial and criticism of Indian officials, that the Sino-Indian border once the war, India will only "eat the consequences", repeat the "1962 war nightmare." Fang Tianci also believes that this is also the Taiwan media in the international news point of view on the choice of good and evil often affected by the Chinese factors.

He explained: "Taiwan's international news, for the country's preferences, and sometimes this country is not friendly with the Chinese friends to choose the news point of view.As the Sino-Indian stalemate, pro-media will naturally strong support, but the Taiwan media should To think about the advantages and disadvantages of the political situation in Taiwan under the conflict between China and India, from the perspective of Taiwan itself to be more appropriate, rather than to consider whether the country and China are evil.

He also mentioned that he has recently accepted a lot of Chinese media to visit, but it is more from Hong Kong media, Taiwan media are mostly integrated foreign exchange to discuss Sino-Indian border dispute, but let Taiwan here lost their own discussion Angle, so that more pity point.)


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