✨Yummy, Mango pudding 🌟 | 芒果布丁🍮steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn6 years ago

Eating pudding at your own house would be a good way to relax ourselves, specially on weekend, Today, I am doing a mango pudding, prepared for tonight TV show. Without a further or do, let me show you the easier way to make your own pudding.


You can make your own peddling if you want to, all you need to do is your passion for it.

First, you'll need a bag of pudding powder, 500 ml water and a container to put your food in it.


Now we boil the water then slowly add pudding source in it, use spoon or chopstick to mix it together.



One more step, cool down our peddling then put our container into a freezer, few hours later, take it out, bongo, pudding will be ready for you.

周末了,煲个剧,开启美丽新生活,这嘴里得嚼点什么,对啦,布丁。今天,我就来带大家做这丝滑爽口的芒果布丁,有了它,小伙伴们的晚间时光是不是瞬间就超幸福地er🐵(布丁粉在大家在网路上或日超都可买到喔) 做法很简单,首先我们需要布丁粉,一个用以盛放并冷却布丁的容器,还有500毫升左右的水。 第一步我们先将水倒入锅中煮沸,调至小火后缓缓倒入布丁粉,并用勺子或筷子将其搅匀。待其再次开锅时,关火,然后倒入我们提前准备好的容器里,放置一会儿,温度降下来时,再将其放入冰柜中,几个小时过后,布丁就好了,开吃🙉

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