Sunday Steemit Photography - Dawn in a village | 周日黄金时间摄影- 小村庄里幸福的日出steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago

It was six o'clock in the morning, I got up and walked around the village. Someone already got up, I could see the smoke coming from their kitchen, going up to the top of the roof, till it reached the first light in the sky. At this moment, I knew this was the happiness everyone was dreamed about, everyday when you got up, you're surrounded by your kids and family, beautiful!

在农村,6点钟头天已经亮了,我感受到了这初冬的寒意,便起身去转转。走着走着,我看到一个农户家已经开始生活做饭了,煤烟带着饭的香气顺着管道来到了屋顶,与那冬日的暖阳汇聚在了一起,这是多么温馨的一刻呀! 我在旁边看了许久,整个人似乎也并没有那么冷了,我想,这就是大多数人一直所追求的幸福生活吧。清早,听着鸡鸣声而起,小孩儿跑过来打闹,睁开朦胧的睡眼,早饭已经做好,一家人说着笑着在一起吃早饭,就这样一直到老。

      Camera: Iphone 6 
      Location: Yi Li, China

Photos tell the story itself, that's why I love so much about phtography! If you like my photo and feel like talking to me, welcome to follow my page and leave your comment here to help me making better photos. Each of your support will be appreciated, cheers.

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I loved it and feeling happy..
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you have snow there already?! yeah simple thing like that is the most valuable things and often many people dont notice it :)

There is snow,yes, very few though. Lots of greats things in our life , they will never come back once we lose it.


Your English writing gives me a vivid appearance of picture, as beautiful as Chinese essay. The photograph is just perfectly coincided with the passage, and I can see the literal words in it and my mind. I just want to say how imaginable your writing is, sorry I can't express it in English totally.

I could feel it,haha, thank u for your support, my friend. Happy Monday!

Cool! Always love a good snowfall!

The first snow was a gift,haha.




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