Steemit Photo Challenge(Oriental) Fallen Leaves - Steemit摄影比赛东方篇, 桂林山水美如画

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Hi, everyone, it's been a long time I haven't participated in photo challenge, today I am coming with the moment I captured about fallen leaves to enter this week's contest. In terms of Oriental, I regarded this moment as a phenomenon of peace. I took this pic in Guilin, it was nearly autumn, I found leaves fallen to the water and I could see the reflection,it's beautiful! I moved closer to the water and wait for the moment the leave fall onto the surface of water to get that reflection, set my phone camera into continous shoting mode, all of a sudden, the leaves starting to fall. I pic this one among 31 series of shots in just seconds, it's so beautiful, I felt like I was in an ink painting plus this scene can only be seen in Asia, China specifically. Hopes you enjoy it, if you got some time, you have to come to Guilin, see it for yourself, the beauty of the scene is beyong description.

Pic taken with my iphone 6 camear. Special thanks for @jamtaylor to create this amazing challenge for everyone. For more detials of this challenge, click here

大家好,今天给大家带来我在桂林时拍摄的一片落叶滴落水面时我抓怕到的水面涟漪的照片。本期的摄影主题是东方的,说起具有东方特色的美景或事物,我第一个想到的便是我们国家桂林这个地方了。桂林山水甲天下,环山围绕,天空中下点雨后,山里起了雾,在山间行走更像是在仙境一般。这张照片便是我在桂林旅游时,路过一个当地的小村庄,恰巧白天下了点雨水,水凝结为雾气飘在空中,其景甚美! 当叶子落下时,那水面泛起的涟漪倒映着背后的山水,水与天相接,我整个人仿佛置身在水墨画之中,眼前的此美景,难以忘却。

感谢 @shieha 把这项比赛翻译并推广至cn区,想了解本周比赛详情的朋友们详见这里


Photos tell the story itself, that's why I love so much about phtography! If you like my photo and feel like talking to me, welcome to follow my page and leave your comment here to help me making better photos. Each of your support will be appreciated, cheers.

dixonloveart steemit

Visit me Here


Thnx @dixonloveart for putting this info all together.



good post!

Thank u, my friend.


不錯的倒影! :)


值得了! :)

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