Steemit photo Challenge-54 Animal Portrait Elegant Duck ,Dusseldorf | Steemit摄影比赛 动物 高贵的鸭子

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Few ducks are swimming in the river near the PWC dusseldorf. Sun is about to go down,I carefully get close to them and took these elegant ducks cz i don't want to be the eveil man to interrupt their peace. “Hi,duck,you know how beautiful you are,i am sure you did. You are born like a nobel ,you are gorgeous!Please allow me to take photos for you so we can see you here on steemit.” I am talking to them while I was taking the shots,somehow they understand and they approved it,standing still,like the princess of the Europe,elegant and beautiful!

Special thanks to @jamtaylor and @berniesanders for continue holding this challenge everyweek. This week is animal portrait,you can find it here. All photos taken with my samsung s7 edge,thanks.

大家好,今早起来看到了新的一期摄影比赛的主题是动物,很高兴可以带大家看看我在杜塞的pwc总部的花园拍摄的几张美丽而高贵的鸭子。为了不打扰它们安逸平静的生活,我轻步挪至河边,轻声和和他们说道,“你知道你们有多美吗,你们就像欧洲中世纪的一个个公主,婀娜多姿,落落大方,你们身上散发出的那种高贵是与生俱来的,真的很美!” . 美丽的鸭子好像听懂了我的话似的,慢慢的从河中央朝我的方向游过来,还有一两只上了岸,站立在哪里,像模特一般,迎接着他们优雅的身姿在快门下的呈现的那一瞬间美丽。
所有照片均用三星s7 edge拍摄,谢谢。

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Photos tell the story itself,that's why I love so much about phtography! If you like my photo and feel like talking to me,welcome to follow my page and leave your comment here to help me making better photos. Each of your support will be appreciated,cheers.

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