10days get fit challenge - Day 0 十天健康瘦身挑战

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

This will be my fitness log for the next 10 days. I have promised a friend that I will do my best to get myself fit within shortest period. In this case, I choose 10 days as 20th March I will be going to Penang for a 100degree Steemit talk. I wish to make sure I'm at my best appearance to all my friends! I'm also hoping, by having this short journal will help the friend of mine to be his/her inspiration to get fit. As previously stated, after Chinese New Year, I had put on weight, on the last day of Chinese New Year I was recorded 73.5kg. Hence I started to control my food intake this week. Below is my current state. I will try my best to inject short exercises on daily basis. I will update here on all my fitness related activities towards end of the day.




Current State 目前身体指数
Weight : 71.2kg 公斤重量
Fat: 22.5% 体脂
Water: 53.2% 水份
Mass: 40.1% 肌肉
Bone density: 14.7% 骨骼
Metabolic rate: 2537kcal 新城代谢


Jiayou ! You can do it! I just have my Maggi goreng at 12am!

You? More swimming photos pls.

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最好状态 ~~ 厉害! Cn-sport 你第一个开始




The challenge is on. 10 days is "kacang putih". Even now you look in good shape already.Just Maintain your shape as it is now.

The challenge is about getting to where I am from where I was in my best effort to attain the best shape I could.

什么机器来的,可以显示bone density 等等的?



@davidke20 老大现在的状态不是很好吗?还需要减肥吗?



那个是 @vamos-amigo

夭寿,我记错了,抱歉啊老大 lol

哈哈哈哈哈哈 你这个是想挖个坑让谁掉下去啊

嘻嘻,你别对号入座啊 :P

I wish you the best in this challenge

Thanks you.

Wow, great effort. Waiting u get musculer. Hehe

Muscles take longer time to build. 10 days too short. All I can do is slim down

You can do it. Be a muscular man like the "cowboy". Haha

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