历史上的今天 10-03

in #cn7 years ago

历史上的今天 10-03

今天是 2017 年十月 03 日,星期二。历史上的十月 03 日,steem 的 "cn" 板块发生过什么事?



去年的今天,"cn" 类目共发布了34 篇帖子。我们为您随机挑选了一些帖子和回复如下。

2016-10-03 "cn" 类目随机挑选的回复 Randomly sampled replies in "cn" category

@solarguyThere are a bunch of christians in Dalian most of them (the ones I have met anyways) seem to be Korean though. go figure.
@richristowThe ones here tend to be all local. There are plenty of churches here, but I've never set foot into any of them. Just took pictures of their exteriors. Pearl S. Buck lived in this region of China, so my guess there was a lot of missionary activity around these parts 100 and more years ago.
@solarguyI want to fish with you
@steemcleanersSource- http://www.livemaster.ru/item/13393047-kartiny-panno-piony......Not citing the source of photos(images) is plagiarism. Here is a post on why this is bad, and here is how easy it is to find allowed photos.......Creative Commons: If you are posting content under a Creative Commons license, please attribute and link according to the specific license. If you are posting content under CC0 or Public Domain please consider noting that at the end of your post. ......Not indicating that the content you copy/paste is not your original work could be seen as plagiarism. ......If you are actually the original author, please do reply to let us know!
@tommycorderoHow would you say this people are perceived by the locals that do not subscribe to this cult? Have you noticed any different treatment towards these people?
@mxu111I'm guessing he's not from a state-sponsored church.
@nataleeoliver@richristow.......Thank you....This is a very beautifull story.

2016-10-03 "cn" 类目随机挑选几个帖子 Randomly sampled posts in "cn" category

@cnfund【AFTER CREATION】(Chapter 43)(Chinese Original Fantasy Novel)/【创世之后】(第43章 元龙崩溃)(原创玄幻小说)1.79825
@yogiSPONGE. BOB.0.0003
@xiaohui-Daily Update- Daily Report of STEEM Exchange Transfer - Oct 03 - -每日更新- STEEM 交易所转帐分析日报 10-035.76061
@elfkitchenThe Delicious Food - Breakfast cake4.03882
@chinadaily-Daily Update-中文区活跃用户信息速览(2016-10-03)2.51115
@chinadailyActive authors & posts under the CN category-2016-10-01-2.69221
@xiaohui-Daily Update- Active Steemit users stats and trends analysis - Oct 03 - -每日更新- Steemit 活动用户统计与趋势分析 10-035.69067
@yangyangThe Conch's World 海螺裡的世界 <U+C18C><U+B77C><U+C758> <U+C138><U+C0C1>0.54925
@birds90Today My Photography - The most beautiful star flower (Original)3.16216
@birds90A caterpillar that looks like a duck (Original for steemit)2.66924

2016-10-03 "cn" 类目收益最高的帖子 Top posts with the most payout in "cn" category

@sweetsssjMiss. Delicious: The Best Lamb Stew in Town... 秋日最佳食品推荐..26.242244
@richristowThe White Snake of Zhenjiang22.14628
@sphenixOk, and so I went BigBang concert 2016 Malaysia14.37410
@laonieReal-Time Update of RobinHood Whale Project 罗宾鲸火贴实时更新 03-1013.873153
@laonie-Weekly Update- Steemit Reputation Score Report - Oct 03 - -每周更新- Steemit 信用分统计报告 10-0311.305178

2016-10-03 "cn" 类目获赞最多的帖子 Top posts with the most net votes in "cn" category

@sweetsssjMiss. Delicious: The Best Lamb Stew in Town... 秋日最佳食品推荐..26.242244
@laonie-Weekly Update- Steemit Reputation Score Report - Oct 03 - -每周更新- Steemit 信用分统计报告 10-0311.305178
@laonieReal-Time Update of RobinHood Whale Project 罗宾鲸火贴实时更新 03-1013.873153
@elfkitchenThe Delicious Food - Breakfast cake4.03882
@ace108Whale spotted, Art@SG - 鲸鱼出没-“新"之艺术 (by @ace108)2.40971



Tags: #steemswatch


Thank you so much for sharing all this information! that's great! All the best! Waiting for more posts! :)

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