Prague by your fellow steemian @nina.nowak. Great contribution to my photo-sharing challenge!.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends,

If you have been following me for a while then you are probably aware of my photo-sharing challenge of your personal pictures that you took during your travels to Prague and other various locations around the Czech Republic in which I upvote your images entered to my challenge. Today I would like to share one such a submission from one of your fellow steemians in the form of video that she made while visiting Prague. It is pretty amazing so please free to give a huge shout out to @nina.nowak. This really is what Steemit is about, sharing our love and passion with others! Keep on steeming everyone!


如果大家關注了我已經有一段時間,那麼就可能知道到我舉辦的"照片分享挑戰"。在這個挑戰中,大家可以分享自己到布拉格或者捷克共和國任何城市旅行時拍攝的個人照片,我也會upvote大家的照片以作鼓勵。今天,我想與大家分享一位Steemian為她的布拉格之旅製作的影片。影片製作得十分精緻,所以就讓我們歡迎 @ nina.nowak吧! 這就是Steemit的意義--與他人分享我們的愛與熱情!讓我們繼續Steeming吧!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

New money entering the market - total coin market capitalization 218.5 billion USD!
My painting is finished – thank you so much Grandpa! 我的畫已經準備好了 - 祖父,非常感謝您!
Charles Bridge, simply magnificent!
Fairy tale Czech Republic - castles, chateaux, palaces!

CEO & Founder of CGH


upvote follow resteem.gif


@czechglobalhosts, very nice memorable video you shared. your mostly posts are awsome and attractive. i like much. you really do a,great job so keeep it up, my appreciations and support with you.

Thanks ever so much for your kind words and support. I really appreciate that.

Wow what a beautiful country. When I get to travel i will visit this place thanks for sharing. :)

Great, I am glad you got isnpired by the post!

travels increase our knowledge..

Oh, absolutely..... agreed hundred percent!

Prag is amazing city , but the best part after the cool buildings is the beer, hahah :)

LOL, I have to agree on that for sur:)

nice post :)
I have followed you, hope you do the same.

Super, great video, the memories rushed over, and the music was matched in the subject. Thank you.

Yes, I have a destination that I graduated from studying in Prague
I live in Casablanca Morocco
good work @czechglobalhosts

absolutely amazing !!!

your videos are good

I always enjoy the pics you share, and now this amazing video! It's great

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