Do you know some of these medieval sword battle overlord in Europe?.

in #cn7 years ago

The original title: those European medieval battlefield sword overlord, you know some of them? .
About 3 feet long, one hand waving.
Swords have two-edged sword, do not hit, do not turn wrist to fight back.
Mostly made of cross-shaped handle, hilt often end of a ball, non-decorative.
Note lead, in order to maintain the balance of the wrist when hard cutting hack.
After the Roman Empire was obliterated, the weapons were widely displayed on various battlefields, from the centenary war to the red and white rose. Until the 14th century, the mail armor replaced the simple leather armor. The heavy wide-blade sword gradually lost its power and was withdrawn .
▲ England wide-edged sword German two-handed sword German two-handed sword is the most famous swords used by mercenaries at the end of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and one of the most bulky weapons.
It brings together the superb craftsmanship of German artisans.
Two-handed sword is huge, you can not waving a hand with a sword, both hands can maximize its power.
Moreover, since the sword body of the two-handed sword is very long, the warrior can also make the two-handed sword like a spear, so once the two-handed sword becomes the necessary weapon for the European mercenary assault.
By the late 16th century, however, the longer spears and halberds prevailed, and the two-handed sword gradually became a symbol of a mighty defensive force, more often only at ritual ceremonies and military parades.
▲ German two-handed sword Knight sword, also known as the armed sword, after the 11th century to adapt to the needs of a new era of combat in the original Viking sword on the basis of the evolution of the single-handed sword.
Take into account the immediate and walking operations, and more with the use of shields.
With the improvement of combat techniques, the advancement of armor technology, the Viking sword with hacking as the main attack method has been less able to adapt to the new combat environment.
In order to balance the attack demand between hacking and stabbing and provide more excellent defensive performance, more carefully set weight structure began to appear with more cross-shaped hand guard than the original range of protection.
Knight sword of these points integrated into a powerful weapon to take into account both riding and stride quickly became Knight class commonly used weapons.
▲ Knight sword Sword sword first appeared in the 15th century in France.
Due to the gradual increase of the urban population, the repairs of roads have made people's daily life more safe and secure than ever before.
So most people do not need to wear a saber tour, but the saber has become a symbol of masculinity in the warlike Western culture.
So whether it is aristocratic or people, as long as affordable, it will certainly Saber.
▲ fine sword Scottish sword This sword is a pure infantry sword.
People who have seen the movie "Braveheart" should have a deep impression on it: a length of at least 1.5 meters, a blunt round head, a broad but thin blade, a bladeless blade above the grip and everything .
▲ Scottish chopper armor worn armor Swords armored armor soldier wearing a sword is like a devil-like existence, but in the melee it is a disadvantage.
But for those who truly excel at using it, the sharp tip of the armored sword at high speed is extremely awesome..
And this time, they will also use the prepared left-handed dagger on the enemy time waiting for an opportunity to make the final blow.
▲ armor sword now, these once in the medieval battlefield all-powerful sword, most of them have long disappeared in the long history, you want to see them, only through the documentary or to the museum in order to see these cold weapon overlord.


Interesting post, but misuse of cn tag

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