Learn Chinese With Cryptogee - North South East West - 用Cryptogee学习中文 - 北,南,东,西

in #cn7 years ago

Cryptogee snap.png

In this video I concentrate on the cardinal directions, North, South, East and West. I am also trying to speak a little bit more off the cuff rather than preparing sentences. So apologies for the pauses!




That is really cool that your learning chinese. But I think the best way to learn a difficult language like chinese is to move to china and live with chinese people.

Im saying that becouase my nativ language is quite hard to learn like chines.

good luck :)

Yes ideally that would be the best way :-) However I'm content with taking my time and just learning slowly, I am about to take up Portuguese as well, as I need to learn a language whose writing I can easily understand. Also I speak Spanish, so that should help a bit.

Remind me, what is your native language?


wow nice, that sounds really fun. maybe I too will start with learning a new language.

my native language is kurdish, that is really hard to learn unfortunately :).

My friend is married to a Kurdish girl, and he tells me some funny things that her Dad teaches him in Kurdish. Like swear words or silly rhymes; unfortunately I can't remember any of them! :-)


I love these videos. I am not learning any Chinese from them but I do get a good chuckle :)


Lolz, thanks; I aims to please! :-D





I think its fabulous that you are improving yourself by learning a wonderful new language. :D I've always loved languages. :D Have an awesome day! :D

Thank you! Languages are so awesome, great for the mind and a wonderful tool for meeting new people :-)


So true. I'd love to find someone on here that speaks Gaelic that would be willing to post videos to steemit on how to learn Gaelic...its such a beautiful language. :D
Some day I hope to learn Russian, Gaelic, Spanish, Italian and either Mandarin or Cantonese too. :D

Gaelic is an interesting one; unfortunately there are a diminishing amount of people speaking it. So you have to be really dedicated to learn it, and of course be prepared for the day when it sadly dies out :-(

I can speak Spanish from your list, smatterings of Italians; although when I went to Italy and spoke in a kind of Ito-Spanish mix, they seemed to understand! :-)

I want to do Russian at some point, however I think before then I will learn Portuguese, then Swedish (I started last year but didn't keep it up), then Japanese (I love Manga!), then perhaps Russian.

So that's me done for the next few years! :-D


LOL. You are like me...want to learn them all...not quite sure how to do it and when though. :D I know a wee bit of Spanish, a smattering of French, and some swear words in a few others languages from my time in the military. :D
My daughter has inherited my appreciation for languages as well. She speaks English and French and is in the process of learning Spanish. :D
Hmmm, I never even thought of learning Portuguese or Swedish, those would both be neat to learn. I'd love to read and write in Japanese, that would be very neat. I started studying Russian already...its a bit harder to learn than I thought it would be, especially since I've got no way to tell if I'm doing it right. :D I'm not tech savvy enough to make, edit, and upload, a video of myself saying it, or I could do what you did and post it here, and see if anyone can critique me. :D
I think it would be cool though, if there were other steemians that knew all these languages, and they started little tutorials for all of us that want to learn them...all the way from learning numbers and alphabets to learning complicated sentences, conversations, etc...
That would be freaking fantastic! :D They could have a section for language lessons with subsections for each different language that is being taught. :D Don't you think that would be great? I wonder if there is a way to make suggestions, to streamline or improve, on the tagging process...?
It will take you quite a bit of time to learn them all but you will be the best friend/family member/guest to have at gatherings/parties, you could talk to and interpret for, everyone! :D
Have an awesome day! :D

Yes time is a factor! Start with phone apps, for European languages I found Duolingo to be the best one; and of course 'Hello Chinese' for Mandarin.

Check out Youtube as well, there are a lot of tutors on there, though you do have to sift through to find the ones that are right for you and your level.

It's not so hard making a quick video like that, I mean it might take a few (dozen) takes to get it right, but you can just use the camera on your laptop.

The important thing is getting that critique, because it can steer you right and give you confidence to carry on. It really has helped me, because I was sure I was just speaking nonsense, but apparently not! :-)


You're so right about time...there just is never enough time in a day to learn/do everything we want to learn/do.
I found the "Hello Chinese" app but the only things that came up when I typed in "Duolingo" was French and Spanish, no other languages...not sure why though.
Getting a constructive critique always helps in the long run for sure. :D Its always a nice surprise to find out you actually make sense when you're speaking in a foreign language...makes you feel like all that time you put into listening and repeating is worth while. :D I wish you all the best with your language training...it would be kind of cool if someday down the road we could start a conversation in English and then switch to a different language and still keep the flow going because we are that good at whichever languages we picked. :D Do you think that would be kind of neat too, or is it just me? :D

Huh, that's weird about Duolingo, last time I checked they had about 10 languages, did you actually download it? Maybe they just promote French and Spanish because they are the most popular languages people want to learn.

..it would be kind of cool if someday down the road we could start a conversation in English and then switch to a different language and still keep the flow going because we are that good at whichever languages we picked. :D Do you think that would be kind of neat too, or is it just me? :D

Nope, not just you, I think that would be uber cool. Or having 3 phone conversations one after another, all in different languages :-)))


I love chinese and l am trying to learn the basics from my downloaded app..thanks for this,upped

Download 'Hello Chinese' it is the best one by far!


Wow...am off to get one..thanks buddy

Do you know Mahjong? It has 东南西北中。


搓麻将是我的心头好啊 哈哈哈

I have heard of the game, and I played a version of it on my phone years ago; however I don't really know the rules :-)


It is amazing that you have learned not only the Chinese language but also the culture here. I really enjoy the weekends playing Mahjong with my friends.

That is what I love about language, it is so much more worthwhile learning about the culture as you do so. I have always loved Chinese culture and wanted to know more, I remember falling in love with the film Crouching Tiger and hearing that it was written by the Chinese equivalent of Shakespeare, which fascinated me.

I'll look at Mahjong again, now that I'm learning Chinese characters it will be interesting to see what I recognise on the pieces. :-)


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