Travel with @cn-reader: Hangzhou: A City You Don't Want to Leave 杭州:一个你来了就不想离开的城市

in #cn6 years ago

Hangzhou is the capital city of Zhejiang Province which located in the southeast coast of China. It is one of the seven capitals of ancient China and sited in the southern end of the Beijing---Hangzhou Grand Canal, the longest canal ever built all over the world.


The history of Hangzhou can be dated back to 2,200 years ago during the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC), while the ancient Liangzhu people settled down in this area more than 5,000 years ago. During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (907-979 AD), the city was selected by the emperor as capital of the Wuyue Kingdom and later became the capital of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 AD) .

杭州的历史可以追溯到2200年前的秦代(221-206 BC),而良渚人早在5000年前就在这块区域定居了。在五代十国时期(907-979 AD),吴越国的皇帝选择杭州作为都城。后来,南宋也以杭州作为首都,称之为临安府(取自临时定都的意思,但最终也没能再打回北方去)。


There're many ancient legends in Hangzhou. Among them, the Madam White Snake is the most famous one.


Let me tell you the story.


There was a young man named Xu Xian saved a white snake who was actually a spirit named Bai Suzhen. Many years later, XuXian met a fair lady at the "Broken Bridge" by the West Lake. It was raining heavily and he did not have an umbrella, so the lady lent him hers and left.


This beautiful lady was the spirit of snake which XuXian saved many years ago. She wanted to return his favor by helping him in any cases. They fell in love with each other deeply and got married. Several years later, Bai Suzhen gave birth to a boy named Xu Shilin.


However, their marriage was against heaven laws. A monk named Fa Hai who had magical powers forced Bai to reveal her true form in the hope that Xu Xian would leave her. The plan was failed as the couple genuinely loved each other and finally Fa Hai imprisoned Bai Suzhen in the Lei Feng Pagoda for all eternity. In some versions, the legend got a tragic ending as the lovers are still separated .



(A Chinese TV drama named The Legend of White Snake is recomposition by this legend. From the left to right: Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen/Madam White Snake, Xiao Qing)


The most significant landmark of Hangzhou is the West Lake which was named as it was formed in the west of the city. It has beautiful sceneries among the four seasons.






Hangzhou has delicious food, such as Stir-Fried Bean Curd Rolls Stuffed with Minced Tenderloin, West Lake Water Shield Soup, West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce, Beggar's Chicken, Fried Shelled Shrimps with Dragon Well Tea, Dongpo Pork, Sister Song's Fish Broth, Cat-ear Shaped Pasta, etc.


Fried Shelled Shrimps with Dragon Well Tea 龙井虾仁

West Lake Fish in Vinegar Sauce 西湖醋鱼

Hangzhou also produces many specialities, such as Hangzhou silk, West Lake silk umbrella, Zhang Xiaoquan scissors, Wangxingji fans, West Lake Longjing Tea, West Lake lotus root powder, etc.


West Lake silk umbrella 西湖绸伞

Hangzhou silk 杭州丝绸

West Lake Longjing Tea 西湖龙井

For limitation of length, I cannot give you a detailed introduction of Hangzhou. In the following days, I will slowly bring the various aspects of the city I love to you from the aspects of history, legend, food, natural landscape and human landscape.


author: @nostalgic1212
translator: @vickylin


@cn-reader, steemit上我觉得只需要静静读你的贴就值了~~~ img

@cn-reader, 不错不错!

BTW,嘿嘿,让 @cn-cutie.pie 可可妹子抢了首发咧...

Wow i have heard about Hangzhou but what i was not aware of is the history of hangzhou but now i do

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