My thoughts of decentralization

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

Author: @chenlocus
Translator: @chenlocus

It is a pity that DAO ( Decentralized Autonomous Organization ) got failed, or it is not a failure project and it just goes no progress. I talked with one of my colleagues and reminded of of DAO. My colleague is a investor mostly in real estate and he pays a lot of attention to Australian economic development as well as global financial market. Actually the global economics is stuck and there are no great increment in salaries for almost ten years. People used to attribute the reason to the slow development of profit in enterprises. However, recent investigation shows that even there are great enhancement in profit, the money never goes to normal employees, but goes to those high level managers. There are numerous CTOs or CEOs who don't do any contributions to enterprises but are dancing elegantly among many companies. Bureaucracy, political correctness prevail in modern enterprises and they seem to be incurable. Many capable employees are unwilling to get used to it, they either started their own business, or changed to another company thus moved to another whirlpool. All in all, the drawbacks of modern companies, like cancer, are too many useless people occupying the high level position and cheat money from real investors. Managers are too redundant and everyone wastes too much of their precious time in the office.

DAO( Decentralized Autonomous Organization ) 的失败实在是可惜,或者说不是失败,但是悄无音讯了。今天跟一个同事谈话,让我想起来了它。同事是个炒房专业户,关注澳洲经济动态,当然也有全世界动态,当今世界经济,基本是停滞不前,员工工资数十年都没有长进,以前有个借口说是企业盈利太少,没钱给员工,但是现在调查下来,企业即便盈利增加了,钱也没给员工增加,都进了高层的口袋,全世界有数不清的高层靠忽悠各个企业在赚钱,数不清的企业养活着无数的无所事事的管理层,官僚主义,政治正确,死气沉沉,这几乎成了现代企业的通病,已经看似无药可救。很多有能力的员工,不愿意深陷其中,或者自己创业,或者混日子,或者跳槽到另一个漩涡。总而言之,现代企业如癌症般的弊端就是太多闲人,管理人员冗余太多,大家在办公室浪费太多自己的宝贵时间。

The appearance of DAO is indeed an outlet that God has pointed out to human beings. The decentralized autonomous system allows enterprises to simplify their personnel, making the enterprise no longer being obese and lazy, ridding all those unnecessary departments, and making the company more efficient, making everyone having abundant income sources, more innovative, and more time-consuming. I listed the following things that a typical company could be decentralized. I have recently studied the idea of DAO and I like it very much. This is a gradual and progressive revolution. It is said that DAO need to cooperate with artificial intelligence to form a perfect autonomous community.

而DAO的出现,实在是上帝给人类指出来的一条生路。去中心化自治系统,让企业精简人员,不再肥胖慵懒,把那些不必要的环节全部省去,更有效率,让大家的收入来源更加丰富,勇于创新,时间更加充足。我才疏学浅,但是这是个有革命性意义的事情,所以我还是很有 激情地思考了一些时间。列出以下一个典型企业中希望被去中心化代替的事情。最近研究了DAO的思想,我很喜欢,这是一个循序渐进的事业,最后需要人工智能的配合,形成一个完美的自治社区。

investment and bid decentralization

client requirement accumulation decentralization

headcount recruite decentralization

project management decentralization

employees performance review and incentive decentralization

development and product process decentralization

test process decentralization

techinical support and client service decentralization









Some cannot be decentralized. For example, the Ford plant produces cars on a large scale, but this process is now automated by robots. In the future, maybe there is no person required anymore and it can be completely replaced by artificial intelligence. We decentralize in pursuit for simplicity and efficiency. In steemit's community, I have seen many prototypes of decentralized autonomy. For example, the cn-reader community was recruiting translators, which is a successful decentralized autonomous community practice! First of all, Dawei @rivalhw posted in the community, stating the requirements and decription of the job, and then people who felt interested posted their inclination and self-introduction related to the job. The community voted for them. These are “investment and bidding decentralization" and "headcount recruite decentralization". This is entirely on the Internet, a group of people who are unknown each other to be engaged in one thing, making it through the posting and voting in the steemit community. Everyone's translation jobs are reviewed and corrected by @hannahwu and then posted in the cn-reader account and @hannahwu, who acts as HR, periodically sent SBD to them. This is a decentralization of project management. Each post receives revenue from community voting. This is a decentralized assessment and incentive. In steemit, lots of people started different interesting topics such as @tvb, who initiated a lot of activities and is also a practice of autonomous communities on the steemit platform.

有些事情无法做到去中心化,比如福特工厂大规模生产汽车,但是这个过程现在已经是机器化了,随着时代进步,可能一个人都不需要了,完全可以被人工智能取代,我们没有必要为了去中心化而去中心化,而是要 使事情变得简洁明快,提高效率。在steemit的社区里,我已经看到很多去中心化自治的雏形了。举个例子,cn-reader社区招人翻译就是一个成功的去中心化自治社区的实践!首先,由大伟@rivalhw 在社区发贴招人,写明要求和要做的事情,然后有兴趣的同学发帖回应,介绍自己,社区对介绍贴进行投票,这里有了“项目投资和投标去中心化“ 和”人员招聘去中心化”。 这完全是在网络上,一群素不相识的人们在进行的一项事情,通过steemit这个社区的发帖和投票做成这件事情。大家的翻译由@hannahwu 来审核和修改然后用cn-reader账户发帖和定期发送SBD,这是一个项目管理的去中心化。每个帖子由社区投票获取收入,这是一个去中心化的考核和激励。后来steemit一姐@tvb 发起了很多活动,也是一种在steemit这个平台上自治社区的实践。

In fact, decentralization does not mean that blockchain is a MUST. We can put it in a more generiou word distribution or network cooperation. In github, there are countless such distributed development and testing, as well as technical support. For projects that are not very urgent, and projects with low confidentiality requirements, we can do in this way. How about those urgent project, and project with strict confidentiality requirements, such as bidding, how to carry out distributed cooperation? I haven’t thought about it yet, or this article is just a quick introduction and to encourage everyone to think about it. If many people are interested, it’s best to find a forum to discuss.



Yeah i agree, Blockchain technology is the future economy. Most present day transactions are eventually going to need blockchain tech to function more effectively. It may take time and go through a slow process, but it will eventually happen.

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