Top 5 Places to Visit in Fall/Autumn in China (Tourism Part #1) 中国秋季秋季五大景点(旅游部分1号)

in #cn7 years ago

China has one of the most seasoned and most established developments on the planet. It incorporates acclaimed traveler goals and points of interest that pull in a huge number of voyagers from everywhere throughout the world. Maybe the most renowned is the Great Wall of China, one of the seven miracles of the world.

中国是地球上最受欢迎和最成熟的发展之一。 它融合了广受好评的旅行者目标和兴趣点,吸引了来自世界各地的大量旅行者。 也许最着名的是中国的长城,这是世界七大奇迹之一。

Before traveling to China - 前往中國

Go to China requires a propel visa so you have to get a China Visa before your travel.


The official money is the yuan and the official language is Chinese. In the enormous urban communities of China, you may discover somebody who communicates in English. We additionally encourage you to take in some Chinese language that causes you speak with people there.

官方的钱是人民币,官方语言是中文。 在中国巨大的城市社区,您可能会发现有人以英文沟通。 我们还鼓励你采取一些中文,让你和那里的人说话。

Why Should You Visit China in Fall? 你为什么要在秋天来中国?

Traditionally, fall is thought of as starting on September 1, when children go back to school. Fall is ordinarily called "the best season to go to China" as a result of the blend of dryness and warmth.

传统上,秋天被认为是从9月1日开始,孩子们回到学校。 由于干燥和温暖的融合,秋天通常被称为“中国最好的季节”。

China in fall can look as stunningly appealing as wherever can be. You are recommended to visit China in fall in light of the fact that...

中国在秋天可以看起来像任何可能的惊人的吸引力。 鉴于以下事实,建议您在秋季访问中国

1.It's less crowded than in summer.

  1. 比夏天不那么拥挤。

2.It's cool with clearer weather.

  1. 天气越来越清凉。

3.You can appreciate fall foliage.

  1. 你可以欣赏秋天的树叶。

4.You can enjoy Mid-Autumn Festival.

  1. 可以享受中秋节。

1. Beijing — Fragrant Hills and the Great Wall 北京 - 香山和长城

Fragrant Hills Park — autumn foliage 芬芳山公园 - 秋叶

Fragrant Hills Park (香山公园)

in suburbs of Beijing is the most famous, and the most available, The place to appreciate harvest time foliage. Pine, maple and persimmon trees dab the scene, as do numerous conventional Chinese structures. Every year after an ice, which as a rule falls toward the beginning of October, leaves turn shading bit by bit. By mid-October, the mountain is covered by a vivid cover of red, orange, and purple.

The Fragrant Hill Red Leaves Festival is held every year on the slope amidst October. Neighborhood families rush there amid the celebration to appreciate pre-winter hues.

在北京的郊区是最有名的,最可用的,欣赏收获时间叶子的地方。 松树,枫树和柿子树都像现在一般的中国结构一样。 每年冰雪一般会在10月初落下,逐渐变暗。 到十月中旬,这座山覆盖着红色,橙色和紫色的生动掩护。

香山红叶节每年十月在斜坡举行。 在庆祝活动期间,邻里家庭赶到那里欣赏冬季前的色调。

The Great Wall — autumn colors on mountain slopes 长城 - 山坡上的秋色

Trees line the Great Wall of China (长城) for a lot of its 4,000-mile length. Some of them come up over the divider so when you are strolling along the defenses you can see a long, nonstop line of red and yellow. Incalculable travelers have taken photos of the Great Wall amid this season — however, nothing truly coordinates taking your own!

树线长达中国长城,长达四千英里。 他们中的一些出现在分隔线上,所以当你沿着防线漫步时,你可以看到一条长而不间断的红色和黄色线。 不可估量的旅行者在本赛季拍摄了长城的照片 - 然而没有任何真正的坐标采取你自己的!

2. Huangshan — The Yellow Mountains and Tachuan Village 黄山 - 黄山和三川村

The Yellow Mountains — red leaves and sea of clouds 黄山 - 红叶和云海

The Yellow Mountains (黄山) put on an astounding show of hues every harvest time. Leaves demonstrate their rich and lively shades, with hues extending from orange to splendid red. The Autumn foliage season starts in October and keeps going to early November. With the exception of the red leaves, there are numerous different features which merit considering such to be the dawn, rocks, waterfalls, strangely formed pine trees and an ocean of mists. The Mountains are prestigious as the most lovely mountain in China.

The Yellow Mountains are near other visitor goals like Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Nanjing. A visit to the mountains can be joined with voyages through these urban areas. See China Highlights Yellow Mountain visits.

黄山(黄山)每个收获时间都会呈现令人震惊的色彩。 叶子表现出丰富而活泼的色调,色调从橙色延伸到灿烂的红色。 秋天的树叶季节从10月份开始,持续到11月初。 除了红叶外,还有许多不同的特征,值得考虑的是黎明,岩石,瀑布,奇怪的松树和迷雾海洋。 山是着名的中国最可爱的山。

黄山距离上海,杭州,南京等景点近。 可以通过这些城市的途中与山脉相遇。 参观黄山参观中国亮点。

Tachuan Village — old Chinese maple trees
川川村 - 老槭树

Best time for viewing: late October to November

Tachuan (塔川) is a little town at the foot of the Yellow Mountains. It has been frequented by voyagers as of late for its pre-winter hues. The region has numerous old Chinese fat trees and maple trees, and in pre-winter, when leaves turn brilliant and red, it makes a devour for the eyes. Chinese picture takers run there to take photographs of the breathtaking view. What influences Tachuan's harvest time landscape to emerge is the perspectives of hues blended with great dark houses.

Numerous explorers consolidate their excursions to the Yellow Mountains with visits to Tachuan. See China Highlights Tachuan visits.

塔川(Tachuan)是黄山脚下的小镇。 旅途中经常出现冬季前的色调。 该地区有许多老中国的胖树和枫树,而在冬天,当叶片变得灿烂和红色时,它就会吞噬着眼睛。 中国画家在那里跑步,拍摄壮丽的景色。 什么影响泰川的收获时间景观出现是与大黑屋混合的色调的观点。

许多探险者通过访问塔川巩固了黄山的游览活动。 见中国亮点泰川访问。

3. Guilin — Longji Terraced Fields and Yangshuo Countryside 桂林 - 龙脊梯田和阳朔乡村

Longji Terraced Field — golden undulating rice paddies

龙脊梯田 - 黄金起伏的稻田

Longji Terraced Fields (龙脊梯田) is much the same as a tremendous painting spreading amongst paradise and earth, whose excellence will truly blow your mind. As the harvest time breeze blows, the tree leaves and rice fields change shading, with yellow gingko leaves, red maple leaves and brilliant rice paddies including a bit of sentimental vibe to fall.

龙脊梯田与天堂与地球之间的巨大绘画大相径庭,其卓越的表现将真正打破您的心灵。 随着收获时间的微风吹响,树叶和稻田变色,黄金银杏叶,红枫叶和辉煌的稻田包括一点感伤的气氛坠落。

Yangshuo countryside — leisure time with family 阳朔乡村 - 与家人闲暇时光

Going by Yangshuo's farmland gives an incredible chance to draw near to nature and genuine in South China's field by being brought into their home. Biking restful by the rice paddies, natural product plantations, karst slopes, and serene towns gives you an intriguing understanding into China's rustic life. You may likewise visit the neighborhood agriculturists' homes.

阳朔的农田走进自家,在南中国的田野上逼近自然,真正的机会。 通过水稻,天然产品种植园,岩溶斜坡和宁静的城镇骑自行车,让您对中国的乡村生活有了深刻的了解。 你也可以参观邻里的农民家园。

4. Yunnan — Yuanyang Terraced Fields 云南 - 元阳梯田

Yuanyang Terraced Fields (元阳梯田), in Southwest China's Yunnan Province, is viewed as outstanding amongst other spots for photographs in China. The terraced paddy fields twist from the mountain base up to the best, as, from a separation, extraordinary chains or strips as they wind their way around the forms of the mountain inclines in parallel, layered groups. The period from center September to early October is the best time to visit, as the fields are brilliant and prepared for gather. See China Highlights photography visit to Yuanyang.

Rice being developed in terraced fields is a recognizable sight all through the Far East. Those in Longsheng in Guilin Prefecture, in south-focal China, are the most well known. Amid the harvest time the rice ages, turning the slopes a splendid yellow shading, with the terraced structure making a horde of brilliant levels.

元阳梯田在中国西南部的云南省被认为是中国其他地区的照片之一。 露台的稻田从山地上扭曲到最好的地方,从分离,非凡的链条或条带,他们绕着山坡的形式并行,分层的群体。 9月中旬至10月上旬的时间是访问的最佳时间,因为这些领域是辉煌的,准备聚会。 参观中国亮点摄影访问原阳。

在梯田开发的水稻是通过远东地区可以看出的。 桂林县龙胜,南中国地区,是最知名的。 在收割时间,稻米年龄,转弯斜坡黄色阴影,梯田结构使一大群辉煌的水平。

5. Chengdu — Jiuzhaigou Valley 成都 - 九寨沟谷

Best time for viewing: Late October

Features: the most beautiful national park in China.

Jiuzhaigou ('Nine Village Valley' 九寨沟) is a natural hold and UNESCO World Heritage Site in Sichuan, The recreation center's principle include are clear and diverse lakes encompassed by huge mountain woodlands whose splendid harvest time hues wind up plainly reflected in the water.

Jiuzhaigou's amazing regular view has enticed numerous voyagers to make return trips, If you cherish noteworthy nature, you unquestionably shouldn't miss it. Harvest time in Jiuzhai Valley has the most inexhaustible assortment of hues, and it is famous for showing every one of the shades of the world. Various, distinctive estimated lakes, lakes, and waterfalls show a fantasy mix of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Guests devour their eyes on the excellent landscape.


九寨沟令人惊奇的常规观点吸引了众多的旅行者来回程,如果你珍惜值得注意的大自然,你毫不犹豫地不应该错过它。 在九寨谷的收获时间最多的是色彩的不一致,它以世界各地的色调而闻名于世。 各种独特的估计湖泊,湖泊和瀑布显示出红,橙,黄,绿,蓝,紫的幻想组合。 客人将眼睛放在优美的环境中。

Tips for Visiting China in Autumn 秋季访问中国的提示

You won't require substantial garments, as a result of Chinese pre-winters, with the exception of in the northwest and mountains, are once in a while that frosty. In the far south, however, the storm has finished, an umbrella may, in any case, be required one day in four. You ought to carry a camera with you, and open to strolling shoes.

In the event that any of this has propelled you to come to China in harvest time, you could take after the connections above for more data, or get in touch with us straightforwardly to plan a visit. We can tailor-influence your China to visit as indicated by your interests and necessities.

由于中国的冬季之前,西北和山区除外,你们不会需要大量的衣服,曾经是一段寒冷的时光。 然而,在远南地区,这场风暴已经完成,无论如何,四分之一的天气可能需要一把伞。 你应该和你一起携带一个相机,并开放散步的鞋子。

如果任何一个这样的事情都推动你在收割时来到中国,你可以采取以上连接更多的数据,或直接与我们联系来计划访问。 我们可以根据您的兴趣和必需品来定制影响您的中国访问。


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