變色之秋|谷哥点名#8秋 / Color Changing Autumn |Google challenge #8 Autumn

in #cn7 years ago

上星期比較忙所以缺席了一期 @jubi 擧辨的谷哥点名活动, 這星期再次參加, 今次的題目是秋

雖然也很想說全職高手的鬥神一葉之秋或什麼一日不見如隔三秋, 不過還是那一句來點科學 XD


春天發芽秋天落葉是大家在小學時已經學會的東西, 而秋天常見的風景就是落葉及樹葉變色。


樹葉多數是綠色因為大家一定有聽過葉綠素, 葉綠素是光合作用過程中最被大眾認識的名字, 而葉綠素令葉子變成綠色其實是因為葉綠素吸收太陽發出的白光時,大部被吸掉的光都是藍色和紅色光。綠色沒被全吸收所以葉是綠色的。


但很多人不知道葉內其實還有其他色素像胡蘿蔔素或花色素苷, 在春夏時間因為葉內葉綠素含量比較多,所以就掩蓋了胡蘿蔔素的橙、黃色。而花色素苷則是隨著秋天而至便制造更多, 花色素苷就是紅葉的紅色色素。當秋天氣溫下降加上葉綠素分解比其他色素快,少了掩蓋胡蘿蔔素及花色素苷的綠色, 我們就能看到秋天的紅葉/黃葉~

我最喜歡就是秋天,看到樹葉變色,加上那清涼的秋風~ 夏天不送了XD

I have been a little busy last week so I missed the @jubi google competition last week, I am back this week, and the topic for this week is “Autumn”

I thought of talking about the anime series “the King’s Avatar” for its main character is related to Autumn, or a common Chinese saying “Not seeing someone for day, is like passing 3 autumn”(saying that grilling sensation, for not being able to see someone you love). Anyway, as my old saying, let’s talk about science. Let’s talk about autumn leaves~

Everyone learns about the spring time is for leaves to sprout and autumn is when the leaves fall. And a common scenery in autumn is fall of leaves and the color changes on the leaves.

Why leaves change colors??

I am sure everyone must have heard of chlorophyll, chlorophyll is well known by the general public for its name in photosynthesis. The reason why chlorophyll makes leaves green is due to the fact that chlorophyll absorb the blue and red spectrum of lights from the sun light. The lesser-absorbed lights were from the green spectrum. And because they are not absorbed, therefore the leaves containing a lot of chlorophyll will appear as green.

What most people don’t know is that within a leaf, there are actually other color pigments, such as the carotenoids and anthocyanins. During the summer time, when the chlorophyll level is higher, the color of the chlorophyll will mask that of the orange, yellow color of the carotenoids. And as autumn approaches, some plans will produce more anthocyanins, which is reddish in color. When the autumns approaches, the cooling of temperature along with the more rapid degradation of chlorophyll will unravel the color from the carotenoids and anthocyanins. Without the green color masking, we can see the autumn, red or yellow leaves.

My favorite season is the Autumn, not just the color changing leaves but also the cool breeze~ Good bye summer XD


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oh~ My favorite season!
I enjoy to walk with yellow and brownish leaves fall on the ground,
it makes me feel so good^,^

I hope there will be enough time to enjoy the yellowed leaves until they fall down :)

haha, i prefer the fallen leaves time~

我也超喜歡秋天的!!! 所以如果我吃不到胡蘿蔔,又必須要補充胡蘿蔔素的話,那我可以......

不一定要等秋天.....平常也有的, 你是草食系紙妹? XD

哈哈哈哈哈~ 很想當啊!!

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