Let’s do some debugging, pest control with bacteria/ 一起來除蟲,試試用細菌

in #cn7 years ago (edited)

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Mosquito kills more than you think

Mosquito related disease kill more human than all deaths caused by other animals. Malaria, dengue fever, to more recent zika are all mosquito-borne diseases that cause severe morbidity and mortality to human. This also led to significant economic lost to those endemic diseased regions.


Pesticides was once an effective measures for mosquito controls, but natural selections always take place and pesticides resistant mosquito evolves. Also the non-selective use of pesticides always harm other insects that are beneficial to us.

Verily, the former Google Life Science decided to do pest-control in another way. Just by SIT-ting (SIT : Sterile insect technique). TO put this in simple terms, its is to release a large amount of sterilized insects to out compete the fertile populations for mating partners. Because one of the released gender were sterile, so no offspring could be produced from those mating. And when the sterilized population released is large enough, a local elimination of the wild population can be achieved.

How to sterilize the bugs

This was achieved through the use of bioterrorism against the species Aedes aegypti, and invasive species in the US. The males were infected with a bacteria call Wolbachia pipientis, which makes them sterile, while still competent enough to compete and mate with wild females. The eggs from the reproductive process will not hatch and this gradually eliminates a local population.


This method has a lot of advantage, including no use of pesticides which cause no damage and carry overs in the environment. Unlike the broad spectrum of pesticides, sterilized mosquito will only target other mosquito of the same species. This specificity prevents other insects from being killed by the traditional use of pesticides. Furthermore, there was no involvement of chemicals or genetic modifications to generate the sterile males. The bacterial infection from Wolbachia also happens commonly in nature. And given Aedes aegypti is an invasive species to US, an extinction of such species should not post any significant threat to the local ecosystem.

My thoughts

SIT is previously applied in other local area pest elimination before, and being able to control mosquito as a disease-transmitting vector in a more “natural” way is definitely preferred over the use of pesticides. But how they were able to contain the bacteria from infecting other mosquito and insects will be challenging. Any underestimation of in the project can easily lead to environmental disasters. Only certain species of female mosquito bite us, and most mosquito feed on plant sap and they themselves play an important ecological role as prey to other predators. It will be an ideal way to remove invasive species, but still does not solve the needs of those tropical regions, where in the mosquito are in their natural habitat. Much more thorough ecological studies must be carried out before this technology can be applied as a greener method to replace pesticides.




事實上,Verily(前Google生命科學部門)決定以另一種方式進行防治蟲害。只是通過坐著 (SIT:不育昆蟲技術)。簡單來說,它是釋放大量的不育的昆蟲,以競爭配對伴侶的肥沃人口。因為釋放的性別之一是不育的,所以不能從交配中產生後代。當不育的人口釋放足夠大時,可以把當地的野生種群消滅。


這是通過對埃及伊蚊, 一種美國的外來入侵物種使用生物恐怖主義的。不育的男性蚊蟲被感染了一種叫Wolbachia pipientis 細菌,這使得它們無菌,同時仍然足夠能力與野生雌性競爭和交配。生殖過程中的蟲蛋不會孵化,這逐漸消除了當地人口蚊子數量。











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interesting technique, yes mosquitos are definitely an important issue !

Yes, this is competition to the extreme~
But the ecological niche of mosquito are so unique that we must act carefully against massacring them


香港也是, 咬咬咬

有趣的題目啲~ Steemit上的題目應該可以更多元化! VOTED :)

Yes, I have always strived to promote more science to general public, thank you for your continuous support~


之前有聽過SIT法, 不過蚊子還是好多啊!! 而且台灣還有小黑蚊!! 超恐怖的!!! :S

香港也有,咬了super itchy

好崩潰啊!! 他們神出鬼沒的!!! :S

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