漫游武功山A tour of kung fu mountain

in #cn5 years ago (edited)

公司好福利喔... 来武功山玩了~ 👏 这是生平第一次来江西武功山,来之前听说武功山爬起来很累... 都有点胆怯地... 但是我还是想来着,毕竟公司福利不来白不来,不要白不要嘛🤭

The company benefits so much... To play kung fu shan ~ 👏 is this for the first time in his life to fighting skill of jiangxi mountain, before I heard wugong mountain climb up very tired... A little timidly... But I still want to come, after all, the company benefits not white, not white do not 🤭



But not now go to, is a period of time before, just in wherein share photos, write more 😅 today

Follow the company team and company package tour guide to play, can only say lively fun ha, not so free is, I relatively porridge free travel, this is also a rare tour with the group

那天约傍晚时分下起了中雨,后面都是土路,加上雨水就变得非常泥泞,只能小心翼翼地慢慢走,拍照就根本不可能了!终于在天黑黑时艰难地下了一个大土坡后抵达到发云界客栈... 随后导游安排完我们住宿后,大家赶紧把湿衣服换下,开始等待晚餐,和同事闲聊中... 感觉大家对武功山似乎都有一种情结!用餐完后... 导游讲了一些注意事项

晚上月亮从云中冒了个泡,还有零星的几颗星星,这让大家都十分兴奋啊~~ 都好期待明天是个大晴天该多好... 然而仅仅是期待而已,什么高山草甸、空中草原... 是啥... 长啥样🤔 不晓得!!那天神马都没看到

About the evening of that day, it began to rain moderately, and there were dirt roads behind it. With the rain, it became very muddy, so we could only walk slowly and carefully, and it was impossible to take photos. Finally in the dark when difficult underground a large slope arrived at the inn cloud sector... Then after the guide arranged our accommodation, we quickly put the wet clothes to change, began to wait for dinner, and colleagues chat... Feel everybody has a kind of complex to the martial arts mountain as if! After dinner... The guide talked about some precautions

In the evening, the moon bubbled up from the clouds, and there were a few scattered stars, which made everyone very excited. However, it is just expectation, what mountain meadow, sky grassland... What is... Looks like 🤔 don't know!!!!! Didn't see anything that day


我们先是走过幽静的竹林... 惬意悠然啊... 不过内心还是有一丢丢小鸡冻哒... 突然一阵小雨飘来,我们开始爬山,山里湿度非常大,并且一直在爬坡,越往上走雾气越大,没走多远大家就都大汗淋漓💦 我们好多人的衣服都明显的湿透了

The next day, the trip to wugong mountain began

First we walked through the quiet bamboo forest... Comfortable and leisurely ah... But there's still a little chicken frozen inside... A sudden rain came, we began to climb a mountain, the mountain humidity is very large, and have been climbing, walk up the fog, the greater the sweat didn't walk far everyone can 💦 we many clothes are drenched

差不多走到半山腰时,一阵微风飘过来,哇~~云开雾散,鸡冻地赶紧通知前面的小伙伴们看左边,可惜他们走的太快已入云雾之中没看到,不过这番景象也是昙花一现般的几分钟就过去了... 中间有一会感觉要拨云见日,可惜并没有,只能在几乎没有神马能见度的情况下继续谨慎地前行

Almost halfway up the mountain, a breeze wafted over, wow ~~ clouds cleared, chicken frozen to hurriedly notify the front of the partners to look left, but they go too fast into the mist did not see, but this scene is a flash in the pan like a few minutes in the past... I felt like I was going to see the sun through the clouds for a while, but I didn't

发云界... 聚云峰... 这里是云的故乡!万山攒聚 ,层峦叠翠的武功山,在云海里泅渡... “身体在地狱... 眼睛在天堂’’这句话常听说是用来形容武功山诶... 没去之前总觉得是言过其实吧!然而亲身体验后,才知道这句话很是贴切滴...😅因为我是第一次来的小伙伴总是很容易满足的...😜

Hair cloud world... Poly yunfeng... Here is the hometown of cloud! Ten thousand mountains gathered, layers of emerald green mountains, swimming in the sea of clouds... "The body is in hell... Eyes in heaven this phrase is often used to describe kung fu mountain ai... Did not go before always feel is exaggerated! However, after personal experience, I know this sentence is very appropriate drop... 😅 because I was the first time to friends always easy to meet... 😜

这次游玩武功山最大的幸福就是: 終见到云雾缭绕的云海☁️满眼的绿光🍀还有浩瀚的草甸🌱尽收眼底啊...😍🈶 累🈶 快乐着... 还很幸运的是,第一次上山就看到了美腻的日出🌄

旅行最重要的是,感受不一样的风景和文化旅行的意义,不但可以让自己节奏慢下来,还可以重新感受生活的节奏... 再一个眼界开阔了,知道世界那么大,就可以把很多事情看开一些,这样子放过了别人,也放松自己! 希望以后🈶 更多机会出去走走,我才能原谅自己

This play kung fu shan's biggest happiness is to be eventually see the sea of clouds of mist ☁ ️ eyeful green light 🍀 and vast meadow 🌱 panoramic view... 😍 🈶 tired 🈶 happy... Also very fortunately, first went up into the mountain to see the beauty of the sunrise 🌄

The most important thing of travel is to feel the meaning of different scenery and culture. Not only can you slow down your pace, but also you can feel the rhythm of life again. Once again a field of vision open, know the world so big, can see a lot of things some, this way let off others, also relax yourself! Hope I 🈶 more opportunities to go out for a walk, I can forgive myself


Love what I love,

Do what I like to do,

Listen to the heart

Feel it with love.

I will never ask for more, whatever that comes, let it be. From the moment you interact with me, our friendly relationship begun. Welcome to my world and looking forward to share more of my stories with you. 😚😘









希望咱们的缘分从这开始...欢迎很好的你一起分享一起交流喔~😚 😘



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