齐白石杯 : 狗年吉祥 Chinese drawing competition: Chinese New Year

in #cn6 years ago (edited)


先謝謝主辦人 @angelina6688 費心準備繪畫比賽, 和CN 區的贊助者。這是一個很有趣的活動。

I want to thank @angelina6688 ,who organized this Chinese New Year drawing competition, and people in CN, who donate their SBD to make this competition a reality. This is a fantastic event.
(@angelina6688 is a great artist on this platform, if you interesting in drawing, you can follow her blog)

構思: (Brainstorming)

過年對中國人來說是最重要的日子,溫馨的團圓,熱鬧,歡笑,打鞭炮戰,吃不完的桌菜。是小時候珍貴的回億。長大後定居國外,過年的氣氛少了很多。爺爺奶奶離開人世後,大家全體過年的機會更少了。所以想畫出歡樂,熱鬧的氣氛。今年是狗年, 那就畫一些狗熱鬧過年吧。小朋友我很愛聽年獸的故事,那就加一隻年獸吧!

一開始想過3種畫風: 卡通,賀卡,Logo. 因為自己的博客是漫畫,還是選了卡通風格。

Chinese New year is one of the biggest holiday in China. It's a holiday symbolize family unity and happiness. Looking back to the year of my childhood, I still remember the fun I had with my cousin, such as playing firework, a table full of delicious food prepared by my grandmother and aunties.
After my grandparents passed away and living in Australia, Chinese new year celebration was not as lively as before. With everyone busy with their works and living in different city, it is nearly impossible to have a big family reunion. Therefore, I want to draw something that represent my childhood memory that is lively, fun and full of joy.
2018 is the year of dog! Therefore, I will just draw some dog having fun and celebrate the New year. When I was a kid, I love "Monster Nian" story. I decide to add that element into my drawing.
(* Monster Nian: According to Chinese mythology, a Nian is a beast that lives under the sea or in the mountains. Once every year at the beginning of Chinese New Year, it comes out of hiding to feed, but during winter since food is sparse, he would go to the village. He would eat the crops and sometimes the villagers, mostly children. Weaknesses of the Monster Nian are purported to be a sensitivity to loud noises, fire, and a fear of the color red.)

3 different type of drawing style come across my mind: Cartoon/comic, Greeting card, and Logo. Since I have a comic blog, I decide to keep the comic drawing style.

草稿: (quick sketch of my idea)

我用 iPad 跟 sketch upp APP 來做畫。還滿好用,比PS簡單很多。缺點是無法快速填滿, 但可以用別的APP 輔助。
I use iPad and Sketch up APP (free APP). I think it is a great APP, a simpler version of PS and easier to use. One thing that annoyed me sometimes is it lack of "fill" ability. But I can use other APP, such as Adobe Draw, to do that.


描邊 (Lining) :


上色 (Colouring) :

我用很多不同的Layer ,修改上錯誤會簡單很多。
I use multiple layer when colouring. Because it will be much easier to fix the mistake.


back ground and detailing:



把所有 Layer 結合。成品:
Combine all the layer together to make it into final product.



I wish everyone an early Happy Chinese New Year. 2018 be a year full of happiness and prosperity.

ps. 去年是雞年,所以雞說再見~
ps. 2017 was year of Chicken, so I draw a chicken saying good bye.

謝謝觀賞~~ 假如喜歡我的作品,請 upvote, resteem, 和觀注我 @akirachang。感謝。
Thank you for viewing. If you like my work, please upvote, resteem and follow me @akirachang . Thank you very much.


Nice art you've got. When exactly is the chinese new year if I may ask?

This year is 16 Feb 2018 ~ every year is different


謝謝( ´▽` )ノ



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