来自时间里的歌唱-慢慢生活慢慢歌唱 # Singing from time - slowly living and singing

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

I especially like the word time travel. Maybe I am the time traveler. When you live for a moment, you will find that you can only see things where you are. Perhaps each of us is a time traveler. Accompanied by our lives, we traveled all our lives.


I like to interpret the definition of life by singing in time travel. I always like to stay quietly upstairs, the sound downstairs is always ringing, and often it is not very important for who and who do what. Quietly holding a guitar, singing is like love, the sound of strings, and always tells the things that can't be expected.


Click to listen


Time traveled through the mountains and lakes and passed the beautiful Mt. Fuji, a beautiful sleeping volcano, and changed the Chinese song “Love Call Transfer” to write a romantic love story under “The Mountain of Fuji” in Cantonese.
Maybe this will be the classic of milk coffee, it will be the red liquid in the goblet,
But this is a trip to Tokyo earlier than the morning. Forgive me for not speaking, but the wound is confiding.
Petals covered with cemeteries terrible, time, travel.
The story, if you don’t want to hear it, go down.


The time is still going, so is the gorgeous language. Please listen:



Maybe you will ask, your trip is so poetic, then is there any green, simple, sweet, simple in your journey? I want to say that I have had time traveller. I haven't walked in many places and have experienced something wonderful in my life:
In the silent town, I fell tears. Perhaps the tavern's wine was too strong to give up. Because of her gentle, misty rain, you took my hand. I took my hand in my pocket and quietly. Sitting at the entrance of the tavern, the street lights of "Chengdu" went out and the story never stopped.


Lazy singing, misty life, please listen:



Of course, the time traveler can't be composer in the singing career of time. Time traveler is not only a singer but also a composer. Art comes from life. Naturally, passion and fanaticism are inevitable during the journey.

I am a composer. I will write a song that is the most ordinary song of our life. But we were never born extraordinary. Maybe you are an old friend I haven’t seen in years. I already knew that singing in time is like composing. The same as ups and downs, melody, rhythm, beat ...............



Time is traveling, life is continuing, please listen

时间在旅行,生活在继续 ,请倾听:


I am Allen, I hope you will like the song I sing, and I like your article. Like friends remember like or comment Oh.

Follow me @abcallen Thank you for your great support to @abcallen


关注我@abcallen 谢谢你对@abcallen的大力支持


你唱的? 不错,可惜不懂粤语 :)


@abcallen, 唱得好好哇~~~ img

BTW, @cn-naughty.boy 淘气包你个死鬼,这次又送个STEEMM的山寨币给我,你现在还好意思出来...


( ̄▽ ̄)~*

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