Hong Kong Snapshot (33) (With Video) – Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance in Moon Festivial 香港随拍(33) (附有视频) – 大坑舞火龙,舞火龙变成了追火龙……

in #cn7 years ago


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival (moon festival)! Although the festival has passed, the moon is still as beautiful as before. In the holiday of the moon festival, I went to Tai Hang to enjoy the wonderful performance of Fire Dragon Dance. But finally I became chasing the tail of the fire dragon….



This year is the 138th anniversary of Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance. Tai Hang is located at HK Island, east of Causeway Bay. In 1880, Tai Hang was a small village. There was typhoon just before the moon festival. After that, the villagers found a big python and killed it. The day after, the body of the dead python disappeared and there was pandemic in the village causing many people died. That night, an elder dreamed of a god telling him to make a big fire dragon with incense and dance it by all the villagers.

火龍龍頭 Dragon Head (from Tai Kun Pao)

火龍全貌 The Fire Dragon (from MingPao)


He followed what the god said and the pandemic really went away. Since then, the villagers of Tai Hang held the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance every year.

Screen Shot 2017-10-06 at 1.29.06 AM.png
(photo from HK tourism board)


100 years passed and Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance is already a world-famous event. In 2011, the event is listed as the China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage. Today, the fire dragon has a body with 67 meters long consisting of 31 sections. There are over 70000 incenses on the body of the dragon! Only the dragon head weights 48kg. It is danced by a team of 300 people. They spend a month to finish the making of the fire dragon.

Screen Shot 2017-10-06 at 1.28.47 AM.png
(photo from HK tourism board)


In tradition, only men of Tai Hang Village can join the dragon team. But today all men interested can join it. In 2014, the team got the first female drummer. I think we may be able to see the first female dragon team crew in the future.

今天的舞火龍已是聞名中外的活動,影星曉治積曼 (Hugh Jackman)在2015年就曾出席舞火龍活動,所以每年的舞火龍都吸引了大批本地及外地遊客參觀,所以我在中秋節當晚,根本只能見到龍尾……

The Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance is now very famous. In 2015, super star Hugh Jackman also joined the event. So now there are a lot of local and tourist come to Tai Hang and visit the event. In the crowd of people, I could only see the dragon tail……

(photo from Mingpao)


When I arrived Tai Hang, I was blocked by the people but luckily I could see the dragon tail and the dancers are putting incenses to the tail.



After a while, we heard the drum and the dragon tail started dancing! And after a while, it left…..



The Fire Dragon would go over all the streets in Tai Hang and I tried to find the dragon. But all roads and streets were blocked by the police. I weaved through and finally I could see……the tail again…….As the event total had four days, I decided to come again in the next day.



In the next day, I arrived Tai Hang 1 hour earlier but there were still many people……In the street I saw the team moving the dragon to the event venue but again I could only see the tail…..



This time I went to Wun Sha Street where the dragon started. There were many people and I tried my best to get a better place, and took the photos below. Then the Fire Dragon Dance started! All the people in front of me raised their hands with their phones and cameras. I could only see hands! But my action cam can still shoot the dance. You may take a look at the video at the end of the article to enjoy the dance.



After dancing for while, the dragon started to parade. I didn’t want to chase the dragon again so I left. At this moment I started enjoy the decoration of the moon festival around. Will I visit the festival again next year? Probably not. I will go to Pok Fu Lam to visit the Po k Fu Lam Fire Dragon Dance! See you next year!


最後,也為大家製作了小視頻,希望大家欣賞 :)

Again, a video for you!

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Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!

Please Upvote and Follow me @aaronli


This is incredible! @aaronli

thank you~

Heya, I'm just swinging by to let you know you've made it on to our Daily Travel Digest Post! Congrats!

oh it's great to be selected! thank you!

That was a fantastic log of your journey! I thoroughly enjoyed reading through it as well as seeing the pictures!

hahaha thank you! Actually not very enjoying as there were so many people ><

yeh thank you!

Follow me everybody plz plz plz

Very interesting story and photos - congratulations on being selected for daily #traveldigest again!

yeh!!! thank you!!!



hmm~ 好吧! 這次讓你~ XD

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