Let's talk Life: Drive Safe and Be Responsible (付責任 - 小心開車)

in #cn-reader6 years ago

Let's talk Life: Drive Safe and Be Responsible

Reading this article makes me sad, and in the meantime, mad. I am obviously sad because a young family has forever changed due to tragedy like these, things that they don't deserve, and now that even the toddler who got hit is also expected to die. 21-month old baby and the 24-year-old mother, dead, because of irresponsible drivers. On the other hand, I am mad because of these stupid street racing kids who had no idea that the car and the speed that they drive could easily kill someone. If you want to do car racing, go to a racetrack! There is a reason for a racetrack, stupid kids!




According to MSN: Jessica Reisinger, 24, was pushing her toddler's stroller through a crosswalk Tuesday when they were hit by a black Ford Mustang driven by 18-year-old Cameron Herrin. The man was allegedly racing with a gold Nissan sedan on the city’s Bayshore Boulevard. Police said that Reisinger was making a legal crossing at the divided four-lane road, on which the two cars were seen speeding and changing lanes prior to the collision, according to witnesses. Herrin and his 20-year-old brother Tristan, who was riding in the Mustang, were arrested along with the driver of the Nissan, 17-year-old John Barrineau. The two drivers were charged with street racing, vehicular homicide, and reckless driving resulting in serious bodily injury, while Tristan Herrin was also charged with street racing under a Florida law that considers willing passengers participants in the activity. (Read full article here)

24歲的傑西卡雷辛格星期二在一輛人行橫道上推著她的嬰兒車,當時他們被一輛由18歲的卡梅隆赫林駕駛的黑色福特野馬擊中。 據稱這名男子在城市的Bayshore Boulevard上與一輛金牌日產轎車競賽。 據目擊者稱,警方表示Reisinger在四車道公路上製造了合法的過路處,兩輛車在碰撞前被看到超速行駛和變道。 赫林和他20歲的兄弟特里斯坦乘坐野馬時,與17歲的日產車手約翰巴里諾一起被捕。 兩名司機被控以街頭賽車,兇殺車禍和魯莽駕駛導致嚴重身體傷害,而特里斯坦赫林還根據佛羅里達州的一項法律受到街頭賽車指控,該法律認為活動中有意願的乘客參與者。

When you drive a vehicle, you have to be responsible! Drive Safe!

當你開車時,你必須負責! 安全駕駛!

Stephen @stepbie
(Joshua 24:15)

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In our country you have to be 18 years old to have a driver's license. The Nissan's driver is only 17. That's too young. And granted that the other one is aged 18, and he has a driver's license, he should have undergone the standard seminars and psychological tests before he was issued one.

I think the parents should also be held accountable and responsible for their kids driving. Responsible driving starts with parents constantly reminding their kids to drive safely and properly.

absolutely. In US, if you are 16, you are pretty much legal to drive. I think that's one of the problem... most teens are short tempered...

Not only that. They are more prone to recklessness and irresponsible driving at those ages.

Yes, I am not going to disagree on that!

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