永远的怀念,斯坦李 - 漫威之父 Forever Sir Stan Lee, Father of Marvel

in #cn-reader6 years ago (edited)



大家还记得穿插于漫威电影宇宙的最强客串人物吗?他时不时会出现在电影中最意想不到的情景之中,给大家一份惊喜,他可以是送货员,可以是花花公子,可以是贵宾,更可以是巴士司机。他,就是我们心中永远的漫画之神 -- 斯坦●李。



斯坦●李诞生于美国纽约,1922年12月28日,本名斯坦利●马丁●李伯尔(Stanley Martin Lieber),他除了拥有漫画大师的身份之外,他也是一名演员,出版人,制作人和前漫威漫画公司的董事长。




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Forever Sir Stan Lee

Does everyone still r emember the strongest cameo role that appears in every movie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? He always appears in most unexpected scenes from one movie to the another, which is a surprise, he can be a deliveryman, a playboy, a VIP, or even a school bus driver. He is the god of comic worlds in our hearts -- Stan Lee.

The great Sir Stan Lee passed away on 12th of November 2018 in a medical center in Hollywood, he was 95 years old. In Chinese, the number 95 represents the highness of the emperor, which represents his unspeakable supremacy in the comic world. The unremarkable old man in the movie has been suffering from pneumonia and vision problems.

Brief introduction of Stan Lee

Stan Lee was born in New York, USA. On December 28, 1922, his actual name was Stanley Martin Lieber. He was also an actor, publisher, a producer, and also the former chairman of Marvel Comics.

His first work was the third in the Captain America series, and his first comic character was the famous Fantastic Four where each of them has their own distinct personalities. Because of the increasing popularity of the Fantastic Four at that time, he also created Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, the Incredible Hulk, Dr. Strange and more, which all of them are extremely successful comic characters. Moreover, he also appeared in every Marvel movie, and his every identities are unexpectedly ordinary and unpredictable.

Every characters he ever created has a distinct characteristics and appearance, easily distinctive. For this reason, the readers of Marvel Comics are no longer limited to teenagers, even adults are his loyal readers. All Marvel's characters have bright and dark faces, they have bad tempers, they will get angry, has jealousy, even brutal and violent. Some of the heroic characters are started by ordinary people. This actually reflects himself. After all, he is just an ordinary person, who obtained glory all by himself with a little help from others.

Yesterday, the day of November 12, 2018, the superhero passed away and leave his legend for us, leaving his legacy to the world, the greatest Marvel. To the grand master of comics, Sir Stan Lee, salute. Rest in Peace.

PS: The article represents my own thoughts. If you are offended, please forgive me and my english. If I have made any mistakes, please correct me. Thank you.


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