☝Amazon finally takes over $WFM/ 亞馬遜終於接管了全食超市

in #cn-money7 years ago

$AMZN (Amazon) finally takes over $WFM (Whole Foods Market Inc) and as the first day of business reduces prices. They're getting into great position to rival other grocers such as $WMT (Wal-Mart), $COST (Costco Wholesale Corp, $KR (Kroger Co), and others. We can expect a better connection between the retail and online business and implementing their Prime membership.

AMZN亞馬遜終於接管了WFM全食超市。 他們正在與其他雜貨商如WMT(沃爾瑪),COST(Costco,KR(Kroger Co)等)競爭對手,我們可以期待零售和在線業務之間更好的聯繫與亞馬遜的會員制度。

You will be able to buy Whole Foods branded items through Amazon, also some of $WFM locations will install $AMZN lockers to pick-up items ordered online. They also promised further price cuts in the future.

您將能夠通過亞馬遜購買Whole Foods品牌商品,還有一些WFM的地點將安裝$ AMZN儲物櫃,以便在線訂購。 他們還承諾將來進一步降價。

I'm quite interested to see how it will develop in the next years.


Also, $GOOG (Alphabet) is adding $WMT items to their Google Express online store, so we can expect further battle between the giants!

另外,$ GOOG(字母)正在Google Express網上商店添加$ WMT項目,所以我們可以期待巨頭之間進一步的戰鬥!

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It's so amazing to see how amazon has grown over the years, from their start as a book store to the kindle to the Everything store. A massive giant!

Yeah! is excited and pleased about something that is going to happen Amazing

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