#CN-MALAYSIA Weekly Analysis Report #1 | #CN-MALAYSIA 每周分析报告 #1

in #cn-malaysia7 years ago (edited)


Hey everyone, this is the first time I am using Chinese to do Analaysis Report. It is also the first time I posted a post with #cn-malaysia tag. I am really glad that #cn-malaysia community for supporting me.

Image credit to @davidke20

#CN-MALAYSIA 是在五天前成立的新标签。(如果你想知道更多关于#cn-malaysia可以阅读我们的蓝图。)所以,我借此机会第一次向大家做个每周分析报告。

#CN-MALAYSIA is a new tag on steemit created 5 days ago. (If you want to know more about the direction of #cn-malaysia, you can read about our introduction post) I would like to use this oppurtunity to share out our first weekly analysis report.

#CN-MALAYSIA 统计 | #CN-MALAYSIA statistics

若要比较好的阅读体验,就使用 busy.org网站

For a better reading experience, you can use busy.org website of this post

整体统计 | Overall statistics

这星期已经有123个帖子,4366个upvotes,771个评论和总共$563.184的待支付的steem (pending payout). 平均每个帖子有$4.579待支付的steem

Until today, #cn-malaysia already had 123 posts, 4366 upvotes, 771 comments and total $563.184 of pending payout steem. The average profitability of each post is around $4.579.

和#CN-MALAYSIA在一起最常用的5个标签 | Top 5 most used tags alongside with #CN-MALAYSIA

  1. cn (99)
  2. teammalaysia (93)
  3. life (27)
  4. blog (27)
  5. cn-reader(21)

每周最佳作者 | Top Author of the week

最多upvote的作者 | Top upvoted author


最高收入的作者 | Top paid author


每周最佳帖子 | Top Post of the week

最多upvote的帖子| Top upvoted post

A very superoo7 Sunday at BHB 马国中文组编程员的欢送会 (https://steemit.com/cn-malaysia/@davidke20/a-very-superoo7-sunday-at-bhb)@davidke209311.585011
把Steemit介绍给做地产/保险经纪的好朋友 (https://steemit.com/cn-malaysia/@davidke20/7bmhj4-steemit)@davidke208910.59601
Putrajaya Sunrise Trip 晨拍布城 (https://steemit.com/teammalaysia/@anthonywong/putrajaya-sunrise-trip)@anthonywong876.829017

最高收入的帖子| Top paid post

MondeyRed - Chinese New Year Compilations / 红色星期一 - 农历新年版 (https://steemit.com/teammalaysia/@elizacheng/mondeyred-chinese-new-year-compilations)@elizacheng5944.110016
cn-malaysia 成立蓝图 (https://steemit.com/cn-malaysia/@davidke20/cn-malaysia)@davidke208121.786049
A very superoo7 Sunday at BHB 马国中文组编程员的欢送会 (https://steemit.com/cn-malaysia/@davidke20/a-very-superoo7-sunday-at-bhb)@davidke209311.585011

免责声明 | Disclaimer


All data collected are from SteemSQL, and pending_payouts are not the final payouts.



非常感谢你!@superoo7,你前途无量!加油!我做你铁粉!cn-malaysia 万岁!

@superoo7 万岁,感谢你对cn-malaysia的付出

@pizzapai @auleo , 谢谢你们的支持!

@superoo7 因为有你的无私付出,大马团队才能发光发热~


谢谢你给与所有数据,cn-malaysia 加油。



很令人惊叹的表现,五天前成立的新标签,已经有123个帖子,4366个upvotes,771个评论和总共$563.184的待支付的steem !

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