Quality time to spend with ❤️ 珍惜当下最珍贵的时间

in #cn-malaysia6 years ago (edited)

Throw back on last Thursday,mum was starting to mention on last monday to me that it been quite sometimes she has never been down to the town that too is was Christmas is around the corner,plus Wednesday was her eye review that I can't make it to accompany her.
Hence,i think back ever since I came back from Kuala Lumpur I just accompany her once to suria shopping mall for some purpose that too not really have time to spend time to shop with her that too i recall back it was coming almost 1 year plus, I reflect back usually whenever I am at kl or kk usually mum is the only one who accompany me to shop to be honest mum is my best buddy and my best companion to shop that I usually not need to think much about anything compare to my bff,because whenever I usually shops with my bff usually i am the one who accompany them until your leg is like after climbing mouth Kinabalu lol🤣,because usually they will choose a piece of cloth with going a same shop at least five to seven times or lots of miles or from morning the moment the shopping mall start operating till the night the shopping mall stop operating that too usually i seldom buy stuff for myself a brand new shoes also can gone on that day so I call it marathon walks lol😂,the happy moments is when I told them I wanna go and have some tea break then they will rush me lol.so usually i prefer doing shopping alone or with my best companion that is my mum we have time to take a break when we tired or hungry with no rush plus no pressure can take our time to see our stuff while mum will usually concerntrade on my stuff and ask me buy this buy that and usually she will pay for me😂.
Thus,I told @bboyady about this because I just realize mum really grown old that she used to be a independent and strong with best awards lady,my super women have grown old and started dependent on me that always the saddest part always pinched my heart.on that day itself even we left only half and hour time I insist we must go because I knew ever since young mum likes to go to shopping malls or hotels during Christmas around the corner she likes too see the Christmas atmosphere decorations neither is in the shopping malls or church and hotels,so we went at least we manage to see the Christmas decorations with a quick little shopping still she see stuff and say hey this is nice on you,would you go and try I told mum I got to save and she said you go try and I pay for you but not this time because I think it was wrong she has been supported me this much ever since I came back that I haven't really gave her any money.Then we continue to shop till the shopping mall was about to stop operating she still ask me to buy whatever I seen so at last I told mum I wanna have some finger food because I was just too hungry then she said let's go let me pay for this,then I said ok.The moment I drag till today to post this is because I still enjoying thinking the moment of joy to shop with mum but she can't drive during the night time anymore and this day mum getting weak many sickness is coming she always my idol since young even when I went to interview sometimes questions will ask who is your idol this time I would definitely choosen my mum she have been being more then a guardian angel that God sended to me and I knew this post also will cause me tears dropping too and emotion for a day.
回顾上周一妈妈突然跟我说我好像好久没去市区,回顾一下我自从,从吉隆坡回来已经一年多了,也就一直都在忙在我印像中,我好像只是配过妈妈去过一次购物广场也就是办事买了东西就走也没真正陪妈妈逛街,这次她口突然说出来我也懂自古以来当圣诞节的来临,妈妈最喜欢到购物广场或酒店跟基督教圣堂的摆设。我心里觉得这要求好像她唯一的喜好再加上,她周三的眼睛复检我没陪她去,内疚的我只能跟@bboyady 商量因为妈妈年纪也大了晚上开不了车到繁忙的都市。这也令我最痛的是她曾经是最能干一个人要到处家开车出远门来做我们家庭的精神支柱也的了不少顶尖的奖我心目中的超人一个女人要咬紧牙根撑起一头家还要给自己的孩子最好的教育,可是渐渐的突然觉得她还是敌不过岁月,好像好多东西她已经在依赖我了,这就让我最揪心的事。上周四那天虽然,时间就剩下半小时可是,我还是坚持先不吃饭,先带妈妈去购物广场起码他遇见朋友喝茶还有点话题聊,因为时间的关系我们只能走马看花,妈妈还是没变看见知道我喜欢的衣服或我爱看的东西还是会叫我去试试看,我就跟妈妈说时间很短了跟我要省钱她说很快的呀!我来付吧!可是我这次我回来因为工资的问题也没给到家用所以我心里觉得很内疚她也在这段时间为我付出了很多,然后当我看见的装饰平她也问了看到就买吧!我还是拒绝了又是一句人家要打烊了下次吧!然后,我们也就走马看花式的逛街因为商场里的商店也正在收拾准备要打烊了。临走前,我真的肚子实在太饿了就去平时我爱吃的炸鸡排店打算快快吃哪知道炸鸡排店也变自动式😂帮我们打包这次妈妈说我来还钱吧?我只能说喔!然后妈妈说看看你们要点些什么,她要一个喝的饮料她说很口渴.有时候当我去应征面试的时候,他们会问谁是你最敬佩的人,我了选了我妈,她除了是家庭的精神支柱也是时世上我最相信的好朋友,从小到大都给了我跟哥哥最好的教育也时时刻刻至今还在守护这我这个长不大的小孩😬😖担心这个那个每天怕给人欺负跟骗😜🤓。上天给我了一个最好的两个守护天使总对我不离不弃。真的感到很感恩有这样的妈妈跟男朋友.♥️所以只能珍惜当下给这两个人咯。这篇文章我也放了一段时间了正当我继续写这篇文章一个人在咖啡店也不停的泪流满面在写这篇文章。

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