A few of my fishing photos gallery - 我的一些少许渔货展示 (原创)
I catch a lot of fish, if there is fishing Guinness of World Records, I should get catch yellow fish a Guinness record,I looked from 2011 to 2003 fishing Yellow Tail Records,I should estimate the total weight of 5,000 pounds or more,All are wild yellow tail, From the big lakes,I basically have thoroughly studied the habits of yellow tail,The most interesting one fishing ship is 22 people, all are go fishing yellow tail, In the afternoon come back, most people did not catch a fish,only I caught 30 kilos,Each to a new environment, my habit is through satellite view map , the fishing-bit environment, just look at the satellite images, Basically, I will be able to know what Yellow Tail fish often in local activities, a unique method of fishing for yellow tail is my invention, now popular in my circle of friends
这些年没少钓鱼,如果有世界吉尼斯钓鱼记录,我应该能拿个钓黄尾鱼的吉尼斯记录, 我查看了下从2011年至2003年的钓黄尾记录,总重量我估计应该在5000斤以上,全野生的黄尾, 钓黄尾就要研究黄尾的习性, 最有意思的一次钓鱼, 是全船20多人,都是钓黄尾,到了下午大部分人都一条黄尾都没钓到,我钓了30多斤,每到一个新的水库或者新环境,我的习惯是通过卫星地图查看钓位环境,只要看看卫星图,基本上能知道黄尾鱼群经常在什么地方活动,独特的钓黄尾方法也是我发明的,在我朋友圈现在流行
Lures I often play, Raft fishing now play more, Raft fishing, fishing environment more comfortable, we called lazy fishing method, can sleeping in bed to fishing
Yellowtail like the sun, and eat loess,To find Yellowtail fish range of activities is very important
Fishing people are very dark tan
Girl fishing with fishing
You guess this is the dawn, or is the moon just rising,Our habit is night fishing at night because it is easy to catch fish
你们猜这是天刚亮呢,还是月亮刚刚升起, 我们一般晚上钓鱼,因为晚上的鱼更好钓
This is our home refrigerator, are now full