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RE: A CME, An EMP & A TREE - Prepper Considerations

in #cme6 years ago

This may sound like a dumb question, but I am out of my element here. When you say "So, metal, internally insulated boxes should be the way ahead = the thicker the better..." - internally insulated with what?

Thank you in advance for your help!

I have a steal box my grandfather made over 60 years ago. But it is not insulated with anything. It is however large enough to hold the electronics I want to have access to (information storage and solar charging) and still be portable for bugging out.


In order to protect your electronics, they should NOT be incontact with the metal box.
The insulation will stop this.... ideally thick rubber, or even thick cardboard.
The key aim is to stop the contents coming into contact with your items.

Thank you for explaining. I am out of my element on some things since my husband passed away and having to learn many new things. The older you get, the harder it is to learn and I'm reaching the old as dirt stage, lol.

No problem....
If you have any more queries, message me.....
You can also find me on YouTube =
Although this is my primary info posting spot.

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